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Will Cyprus join the Schengen area in 2024?

Will Cyprus join the Schengen area in 2024?

Cyprus, as a member of the European Union since 2004, has long aspired to join the Schengen Area—a group of countries that have abolished internal borders for the free movement of citizens and goods. Despite its EU membership, Cyprus is still not part of this agreement, which necessitates border controls for travelers both from and to Cyprus. However, 2024 could be a turning point in the country’s efforts to join this area of free movement.

Why does Cyprus want to join the Schengen Area?

The main motive for Cyprus to join the Schengen Area lies in the economic and social benefits that come with this membership. For an island with a developed tourism sector, simplifying the visa regime and eliminating border formalities would be a powerful stimulus for attracting more tourists.

Moreover, the Schengen Area also promotes trade and improves business conditions. For entrepreneurs engaged in cross-border activities, the elimination of border checks within the zone will significantly speed up logistics and facilitate business travel. This also opens new opportunities for investments, as the ease of movement between Schengen countries makes the business environment more flexible and attractive.

The Accession Process

Joining the Schengen Area requires meeting certain conditions related to security, data protection, border control, and law enforcement. Cyprus began this process several years ago, and a major step forward was the country’s connection to the Schengen Information System (SIS) in July 2023. SIS is Europe’s largest database, which ensures coordination between the law enforcement and border agencies of Schengen countries. Through access to this system, Cyprus has gained the ability to share information about offenders, wanted individuals, and persons posing a security threat.

For full accession to the Schengen Area, Cyprus must undergo several additional assessments concerning the country’s readiness to manage the EU’s external borders, a key requirement for all members of the zone. These evaluations are expected to conclude in 2024, after which the decision on accession will be discussed by the EU’s Justice and Home Affairs Council. Cyprus’ acceptance into the Schengen Area requires unanimous consent from all member countries.

Expected Benefits of Schengen Membership

Membership in the Schengen Area will not only simplify travel and tourism but also enhance security within the country. With access to the SIS, Cyprus will be able to more effectively control migration flows, prevent the entry of individuals posing a threat, and coordinate actions with other EU countries. This will improve overall security both at internal borders and in Cyprus’ international relations with other states.

The economic benefits will also be significant. Visa-free travel with Schengen countries will simplify business activities and increase the inflow of foreign investments. Tourism, a key sector of the economy, will receive a new boost for growth, and opportunities for business and trade between Cyprus and other EU countries will expand considerably.

Challenges and Prospects

Despite the many advantages, challenges remain. Cyprus must not only successfully complete the integration process into Schengen structures but also address internal political issues, such as the division of the island. Security and control of the external borders remain critical, especially in the context of geopolitical challenges and regional instability.

Nevertheless, the Cypriot government is actively pushing forward with this process, and the chances of successfully completing the procedure in 2024 are high. This event will be a major milestone for the country, opening new opportunities for its citizens and economy.

Cyprus’ accession to the Schengen Area is a strategic step that could significantly improve conditions for travel, business, and security in the country. If this process is completed in 2024, Cyprus will become a full member of one of the most integrated and dynamic free movement areas in the world, bringing numerous benefits to both the island’s residents and the country’s international partners.

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