The publication of building permits data in Cyprus has been delayed due to changes in the process. According to a statement by the Cyprus Statistical Service (Cystat), the delay is due to the transfer of building permits to the new District Authorities (DLAs), which has affected the preparation of the July statistics. The planned release of the report has been postponed indefinitely.
The major changes that came into force on 1 July 2024 meant that responsibility for issuing building permits now rested with county governments rather than municipal and county administrations. During the same period, a new information system, Ippådamos, was introduced for data management. However, its implementation revealed significant shortcomings, which caused delays in recording and publishing statistics.
As Cystat explains, difficulties with the registration of data in the Ippódamos system have created obstacles to the timely and accurate analysis of data on issued permits. Currently, specialists from the Statistical Service, with the support of the Ministry of the Interior and the new county authorities, are trying to improve the process of collecting and processing information. It is expected that within a few weeks Cystat will be able to restore the regular publication of these monthly statistics.