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Vast majority of Limassol buildings in earthquake zone

Vast majority of Limassol buildings in earthquake zone


More than 70% of the buildings in the Limassol area are built in an earthquake-prone area, the Cypriot fintech company, which registers the profile of all real estate in Europe , said on Tuesday .

A total of 53,476 or 71.4% of all buildings in the Limassol area are located in seismic zone 3, the area’s most seismic zone, according to Ask WIRE from Nicosia. The information came about after combining seismic data and building locations obtained from the land management department.

Seismic zone 3 covers an area of 523 square kilometers or 37.5% of the most built-up area of the district.

Meanwhile, seismic zone 2, which is less prone to earthquakes than zone 3, covers an area of 689 square kilometers and includes 15,926 objects, or 21.3% of the total area of the district, the report said.

Seismic zone 1, the least seismically active, covers an area of 180 square kilometers and includes a total of 5,421 objects, as it covers a small part of the northern part of the area.

Source and photo:, Editor

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