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Value of bounced cheques rises slightly in 2021

Value of bounced cheques rises slightly in 2021


The value of return checks issued in 2021 rose to €0.93 million from €0.74 million in 2020, while the number of return checks fell to 363 from 454 a year earlier.

According to data published by the Central Bank of Cyprus, the value of checks issued in December 2021 and included in the preliminary Central Information Register (CIR) of the CBC jumped significantly to EUR 250,506, more than double the value of return checks issued in the previous month (97 696 euros) and more than four times the corresponding amount in December 2020 (51 2321).

A total of 99 entities and 95 individuals were included in the pre-CIR in 2021, compared with 147 and 129, respectively, a year earlier, according to the CBC.

There were 58 legal entities registered with the CIR in 2021 from 66 in 2020, while the registration of individuals increased to 50 in 2021 from 40 in 2020. In addition, there were 71 registered with the CIR in 2021 the person who controlled the legal entities, with total registrations for 2021, the CBC added that it was 179 people, compared with 324 a year earlier.

Source and photo:, Editor

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