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Two new projects worth €8 million in Larnaca

Two new projects worth €8 million in Larnaca


At the beginning of January, two projects in the center of Larnaca, worth about eight million euros, start to be completed and are expected to be completed in the next two years. In a statement, the Municipality of Larnaca said they are moving “towards the implementation of two more projects, thus making the development base one of the main parameters for improving the quality of life.”

The public presentation, which took place on Wednesday evening, June 14, at Tzouchuri Square, presented studies on the projects for the reconstruction of the Acropolis and Alki Square, roads in the vicinity, as well as the improvement of facilities for the disabled in Larnaca City Center – Phase B.

Larnaca Mayor Andreas Viras said that “through the implementation of two specific projects, we will add another significant achievement to the great efforts already made by the Municipal Council. Our goal is to create a city that meets our vision of a safe and comfortable life for every Cypriot citizen and foreign visitor. We strive for a modern environment that respects the environment at the same time.” He added that “these two projects are expected to complement the already completed projects in the city center and attract young people, as well as citizens of all ages, to a better quality of life.”

Regarding the project for the reconstruction of the Acropolis and Alki squares, roads in the vicinity, the mayor said that “this involves the improvement and reconstruction of existing roads by removing asphalt layers and laying cobblestones, widening sidewalks, upgrading the drainage system, underground infrastructure and utility networks, as well as landscaping and optimization territory with landscaping, installation of a water element and installation of modern urban equipment.

He added that the project will be a continuation of Phase B of the project for the reconstruction of streets and the improvement of the lives of the disabled, and its goal is “the aesthetic, functional and qualitative modernization of the space / territory, as well as ensuring the unhindered and safe movement of pedestrians and vehicles and especially the realization of all amenities for i am disabled. The project includes Luki Akrita, Orfeos Gladstonos (plot), Konstantinou Kalogera (plot) and Gregory Oksentiou Avenue (plot).

The study was carried out by AF Modinos and SA Vrahimis Architects and Engineers, works are expected to start in January 2024 and last 18 months at an estimated cost of 3.7 million euros and are part of the Cohesion Policy Program.” THALEIA 2021-2027” co-financed by the European Union.

With regard to the reconstruction of streets and facilities for the disabled in the Larnaca urban center – Phase B, the mayor said that “this includes the improvement and reconstruction of existing roads, the expansion of sidewalks, the removal of artificial parking spaces (external vehicles), the modernization of the drainage system, infrastructure and utility networks , the installation of urban equipment and electronic information points for users, the modernization of lighting, road markings, and traffic control.

He explained that “this particular road network is an important junction of existing rehabilitation projects built by the Municipality of Larnaca in recent years through urban planning and co-financing projects. The project concerns the improvement of the existing road network and combines jointly funded projects from the period 2007-2013 and 2014-2020, such as “Reconstruction of three squares”, “Reconstruction of streets and facilities for the disabled – Phase A”, the new municipal market, the improvement of Tzouchuri Square and the Universal center”.

According to Mr. Viras, “The whole construction transforms the city center from a project primarily supporting motorized transport to a project promoting alternative mobility for pedestrians, cyclists and people with disabilities, making it fully accessible to all. Reconstruction, improvement and modernization of the road and the territory will allow aesthetically and functionally renovate the territory, which is the core and landmark of the municipality, while at the same time increasing road safety for pedestrians, cyclists and residents with disabilities.”

In addition, the project “is aimed at increasing landscaping, improving the quality of space and territory, popularizing and highlighting the architectural, urban planning, historical, social and environmental value of the area. Along with the reconstruction of roads, underground housing and communal services will be carried out, appropriate LED street lighting and appropriate alarms will be installed.”

In fact, the mayor explained, “the project is aimed at creating conditions for sustainable mobility, making life easier for people with disabilities, a positive impact on the microclimate through landscaping, as well as artificial shading of the road surface with a decorative coating at a height of +6.0 m., while emphasizing the traditional character of the area. In addition, the project will achieve a reduction in noise pollution and emissions of gaseous pollutants and dust.”

He added that “with the reconstruction and completion of this particular project, the municipality will create a distinctive core in the city center, which unfortunately does not exist to this day, despite the fact that this area is the most important tourist attraction of Larnaca.”

The study was carried out by the engineering firm Loucaides & Philippou Architects and will start in January 2024 and last 24 months at an estimated cost of 4.5 million euros and is part of the THALEIA 2021-2027 Cohesion Policy Program with co-funding from the European Union, he said.

The Mayor expressed his gratitude to “all participants in the two projects and especially to the Directorate General of European Coordination and Development Programmes, the European Fund, and the Republic of Cyprus, because, as he explained, “without their own decisive contribution, the implementation of specific projects, like others, would not have been possible “.

Source and photo:, Editor

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