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Thousands of buildings should be demolished

Thousands of buildings should be demolished


Thousands of buildings suffering from irregularities that cannot be fixed are likely to be demolished as Interior Minister Nikos Nouris says this is the only solution.

Speaking to the House Finance Committee on Monday, he spoke about the situation with the inconsistency of documents confirming ownership.

Back in 2015, about 45,000 title deed applications were pending approval. Since then, about 30,000 documents have been issued, but another 15,000 applications are still pending approval.

Mr. Nouris noted that “however, a large number of these buildings cannot be issued a title deed (due to planning violations), and perhaps the only remedy would be to demolish them.”

When the minister spoke at the Land Development Conference in September 2021, he announced that the number of outstanding title deeds had dropped to 19,190, adding that 8,000 title deeds would be issued without issue in 2022 and another 6,500 would be issued by the end of 2022. with notes.

However, it appears that there are a large number of buildings that cannot even be issued title deeds with marks and should therefore be demolished.

The main reason for planning violations is the complete absence of independent inspections of facilities under construction. Independent inspections only take place after the developer notifies the planning authority after the company’s chief engineer/architect signs the building(s) as completed.

To avoid planning violations, independent checks are needed at key stages of construction. This will identify potential issues, allowing developers to fix them before proceeding. Failure to resolve any issues should be treated severely.

There are many crooks and charlatans in the construction industry who build without first obtaining the necessary permits. Others who have obtained the necessary permits have been known to ignore them and build whatever they like.

Given the current lack of independent inspections during construction, it is not surprising that the only solution currently available is the demolition of “a lot of buildings.”

But what kind of reimbursement will be available to those who bought this property and possibly live in it for many years?

Source and photo:, Editor

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