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The total number of employees in the public sector in the second quarter of 2022 increased by 1.8%

The total number of employees in the public sector in the second quarter of 2022 increased by 1.8%


According to a report published this week by the Statistical Office of Cyprus (Cystat), the total number of employees in the public sector reached 72,432 in the second quarter of 2022, up 1.8% from the corresponding period in 2021. Employment in government was 66,787 and in government-controlled companies and enterprises was 5,645.

The public administration system, which consists of the government, non-profit organizations and local governments, employs 53,691, 8,678 and 4,418 employees, respectively.

Compared to the corresponding quarter of 2021, the headcount of the central government increased by 1,111 by 1,111, up 1.8% from last year.

Local governments saw an increase of 214 people, up 5.1 percent, and government-controlled companies and businesses had 29 fewer employees, down 0.5 percent.

Compared to the first quarter of 2022, employment in the broad public sector has remained relatively stable.

There was a slight decrease of 0.2 percent in the number of staff working in the central government, by 129 people.

Conversely, there was an increase of 2.4 percent in local government, with 103 additional employees being hired during that time.

According to the exchange’s monthly report published this week, the total capitalization of the Cyprus Stock Exchange (CSE) shares rose by 8.4% month-on-month in August, reaching 2.06 billion euros.

In addition, total market capitalization, including the bond market, reached 3.49 billion euros compared to 3.37 billion euros in the previous month, up 3.61%.

The total value of transactions decreased slightly in August, falling to 4.19 million euros with an average value of 0.19 million euros per trading session, compared to 4.46 million euros and a daily volume of 0.21 million euros. This is partly due to the expected slowdown in business activity that occurs annually in August.

According to the report, the total value of shares traded during this period fell by 6.03% from the previous month.

The 17th European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship (ECIE 2022) is taking place this week at the University of Naples.

According to the announcement of the university, the conference will be held in a hybrid format on September 15 and 16.

“A large number of distinguished representatives of the global research and business community will participate in and contribute to an ongoing and constructive international dialogue, offering an excellent opportunity for academic discussion about innovation and entrepreneurship in the post-pandemic era and current issues,” the university said.

The European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship has previously been held in Italy, Northern Ireland, France, Belgium, Portugal, Finland and other countries.

The conference is typically attended by participants from over 40 countries and attracts a wide variety of academics, practitioners and individuals who are involved in various aspects of education and research in innovation and entrepreneurship.

The conference will also host the final round of the Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Teaching competition for the eighth year in a row.

The Cyprus Stock Exchange (CSE) ended Wednesday, September 14, with losses.

The overall Cypriot stock market index stood at 74.00 points at 13:55 during the day, reflecting a 0.36% drop from the previous trading day.

The FTSE/CySE 20 Index stood at 44.40, down 0.36%.

The total transaction value was 90,295 euros.

As for the sub-indices, the main and alternative indexes decreased by 47.66% and 0.11%, respectively, while the hospitality and investment companies indices remained stable.

Bank of Cyprus (-1.12%), Hellenic Bank (no change), Logicom (no change) and Atlantic Insurance (-1.25%) aroused the greatest investment interest.

Source and photo:, Editor

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