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The prices for renting a property and what is the availability

The prices for renting a property and what is the availability


According to data provided by KYPE, property rental prices range from 500 to 1800 euros, and availability is at zero.

The chairman of the Council for the Registration of Real Estate Agents, Marinos Kinaigiru, when asked if there is a demand for renting apartments from students, said that basically everyone, students, workers, etc. has an interest. rent property in all cities.

He noted that today the prices for renting a two-room apartment in Nicosia average from €500 to €600, in Limassol from €800 to €900, and in Larnaca and Paphos, which cost the same, from €400 to €500. The rent for a two-bedroom apartment in Nicosia ranges from 700 to 800 euros, in Limassol – from 1300 to 1400 euros, in Larnaca and Paphos – from 500 to 600 euros. As for the rent for three-room apartments, Mr Kinaigirou said that in Nicosia they range from 900 to 1000 euros, in Limassol from 1700 to 1800 euros, and in Larnaca and Paphos from 700 to 800 euros.

“However, the biggest problem is not the prices. The biggest problem with stock is delivery. Availability, unfortunately, at the moment is at the zero level. In some cities there is no property for rent, and in some cities there are some properties, it is enough for the interested tenant to apply to registered real estate agencies, which have more opportunities and not only, so that the interested tenant avoids abuse . and exploitation,” he added.

As he mentioned, there are weekly complaints to the Board of Registration of Real Estate Agents, either from property owners or interested property tenants about the abuses and pitfalls they fall into with astute people.

To this end, Mr. Kinaigiru said, the Council has gone one step further and created and promoted the platform, which only involves licensed real estate agents, has been published since August 4, and will help all those concerned avoid abuse and exploits . about perceptive .

“It is important to note that we are in the tourist season, but there is no large influx of tourists, so property owners are forced to rent property not by the day, but annually. So, if there had been an increase in tourism, or if it had been at the same level as in previous years, before the corona virus, of course you understand that the problem would have been greater, because many property owners would have been assigned to daily rent, which means prices would be even higher and perhaps even less available property than today,” he added.

Asked if it would be difficult for students to find accommodation due to the limited availability of housing for rent, Mr. Kinaigiru said that the number of student residences has increased, but unfortunately, there is no such increase that could cover interested students. Thus, the problem remains at the same level, it is difficult for students to find property, and prices also remain at the same level as last year.

“Unfortunately, every interested student has to find some other solutions, such as, for example, real estate that is not located directly outside the university, or to share a rental property with another student or other people in order to be able to get a better price. It would also be good if every interested person was interested in renting earlier than at the last moment,” he added.

The President of the Cyprus Federation of Student Unions (POFEN), Rafael Zachariades, in his statements to KYPE, said that this year, due to student life, the demand has increased and the supply of apartments has decreased, and this makes it difficult for any student to find an apartment . to the apartment, adding that there has been an increase in prices, especially in Limassol.

“And that makes it harder for students because to find something at an affordable price, they have to travel out of town to find something cheap,” he concluded.

Source and photo:, Editor

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