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“The main priority for the Government is to deal with the housing problem”

“The main priority for the Government is to deal with the housing problem”


The government has made solving the housing problem faced by many Cypriots, especially young men and women, a key priority. This was stated by government spokesman Konstantinos Letimiotis , referring to today’s presentation by Interior Minister Constantinos Ioannou of a comprehensive housing policy.

Speaking at a briefing at the Presidential Palace, the spokesman said the new housing policy is part of 17 social support measures presented by the President of the Republic last week, totaling 200 million euros.

“The measures included in the Housing Policy use a total of 77 million euros over a five-year period. This is a plan with multi-level actions and measures, which is being prepared for the first time in the scope and intensity that was presented,” he added.

He also said the package of measures and plans unveiled today are scientifically researched and economically feasible, demonstrating the Government’s commitment to a people-centred and social approach to housing to protect social cohesion.

Source and photo:, Editor

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