The debt ratio, that is, debt as a percentage of gross domestic product (GDP), of households has fallen by nearly 30% and non-financial corporations by 57% over the past five years, the central bank said in a statement.
In particular, household assets in financial instruments at the end of December 2021 amounted to 57.9 billion euros, of which 61% are in cash, deposits and loans, 2% in securities, 20% in shares and 17% in other financial instruments. assets. Their debt stood at €20.1 billion at the end of December 2021, with a corresponding debt ratio of 86% of gross domestic product (GDP), indicating a slight decrease from the previous quarter due to GDP growth. However, compared to December 2016, the household debt ratio shows a significant decrease to 30%.
Similarly, eligible non-financial corporate assets amounted to €65.7 billion, with a ratio of 17% in cash and deposits, 5% in loans, 1% in securities, 48% in equities and 29% in other financial assets. The sector’s debt at the end of December 2021 was 36.2 billion euros, with a debt ratio of 155% of GDP, recording a slight decline compared to the previous quarter, mainly due to GDP growth. However, compared to December 2016, the debt ratio of non-financial companies shows a significant decrease to 57%.Assets of insurance companies also show a slight increase, which in terms of purely financial instruments amounted to 4.3 billion euros and is distributed as follows: 11% in cash and deposits, 3% in loans, 24% in securities, 49% in shares. and 14% in other financial data.
Accordingly, investment institutions have assets in financial instruments of 8.2 billion euros, invested 5% in cash and deposits, 13% in loans and securities, 80% in shares and 3% in other financial items.
Investments in financial instruments of pension funds amounted to 3.9 billion euros and mainly concern cash and deposits at a rate of 26%, 15% loans, 3% securities, 44% shares and 11% other financial elements.