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The Cyprus property market is capable of surviving even the most difficult times

The Cyprus property market is capable of surviving even the most difficult times


The Cyprus real estate market has been tested and turbulent, but has finally proven its flexibility and resilience both in previous years and especially in 2023, which can safely be called a landmark year. And this despite the fact that, despite international events and challenges that did not leave the Cypriot economy unaffected, the Cyprus real estate market reached €5.5 billion. Similar figures were observed in 2022, which proves that the Cyprus real estate market has a strong position and prospects for further work this year.

But, if there is one word that can currently match the sentiment of everyone working in the real estate sector, it is none other than responsibility. They see, they judge, they evaluate, but they do so with professionalism, discretion and consistency due to the experience and training that exists in the field.

The collective efforts of all participants in the property market in 2024 are aimed primarily at highlighting the advantages of Cyprus as an investment destination.

Source and photo:, Editor

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