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The 17th Land Development, Design and building Construction Conference and Exhibition was held

The 17th Land Development, Design and building Construction Conference and Exhibition was held


March 29, 2023 at the Hilton Hotel Nicosia hosted the most important annual meeting of the real estate, land management and construction industry in Cyprus, the 17th Land Management, Engineering and Construction Conference and Exhibition, with great success. Presented by Altia , the conference featured discussions, reviews and analysis of the latest developments and market trends.

The conference included speeches by Cypriot and foreign experts on land management, construction and building design and welcomed everyone involved in this sector, combining the idea with the implementation of projects. The round table discussions were also of great interest, as participants had the opportunity to watch live as stakeholders made their proposals and exchanged views on stage. Within the framework of the conference, an exhibition was held, in which the leading companies of the market took part.

Main sponsor: Altia

Sponsors: CSC Christodoulou Ltd , IMR/ University of Nicosia ™, MUSKITA, N. Psaras construction co Ltd

Members: Ask Wire , Future Estate Alliance , Knauf Cyprus Ltd , KONE, Lanitis Aristophanos ltd .

Supported by: Cyprus Science and Technology Chamber (ETEK), Cyprus Construction Contractors Association (OSEOK), All Cyprus Association of Landowners and Entrepreneurs for Construction Development, RICS; Association of Architects of Cyprus; Association of Civil Engineers of Cyprus; Council for registration and control of contractors of construction and technical projects; Association of Real Estate Appraisers of Cyprus; Association of Real Estate Agents and Entrepreneurs of Cyprus.

Organizer: IMI.

Source and photo:, Editor

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