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The 10+1 measures for the development of Akamas – Sponsorships, subsidies and projects in detail

The 10+1 measures for the development of Akamas – Sponsorships, subsidies and projects in detail


Measures and actions for the development of Akama communities with a time horizon of implementation in 2028 were presented by the Ministers of the Interior and Agriculture, Rural Development and Environment. It is expected that with the adoption of measures, the socio-economic activity of communities will be strengthened, environmental protection will be achieved, and at the same time, sustainable development of the region will be ensured.

Among other things, current actions include the provision of a subsidy to landowners for a period of five years based on area, the planning and construction of a major road network in residential areas, the establishment of a local Akama coordination office, and the establishment of an industrial zone within the administrative boundaries of Inia.

Subsidy for landowners depending on the area of the plot

The purpose of the measure is to provide financial support to landowners (legal or natural persons) of Akama to protect the landscape of the territory, and on the other hand, to preserve its biodiversity.

Assistance will be provided to individuals who will receive an annual amount proportional to the rental value of agricultural land in the area and the environmental contribution of the property.

It is clarified that according to the plan, owners must maintain their property in its current condition, not fence it or interfere with its activities in any way. However, flexibility will be given to change the activities on the land subject to appropriate approval from the competent government authority.

The implementation of the measure will be carried out at the expense of national resources valid for five years, and their revision after the end of the specified period based on the effectiveness of other measures of socio-economic support in this area. The subsidy amount per hectare will be 60 euros with a maximum amount of 6600 euros.

Design and implementation of the road network in residential areas

The measure aims to immediately activate residential areas that have remained unused for years due to lack of infrastructure, as well as the activation of inactive lands that fall into development zones and remain unused.

Akama communities by the end of 2024, with a goal of starting the project in 2025.

The Department of Urban Planning and Housing will coordinate the implementation of the project in cooperation and with the participation of the competent local authorities.

Akama coordination office

Akama Local Coordination Office , as a mechanism for local development, is focused on strengthening, informing, supporting and creating synergies to empower local communities and people through actions, programs and projects that will highlight and promote the area.

The Akama Local Coordination Office , which will function in addition to the Paphos local action groups, will have as its objectives, inter alia, the following:

  • Submission of proposals for the development of strategies with priority actions based on the overall planning of the region by the relevant departments and services and after consultation with Akama communities and other local agencies and entities.
  • Communicate about national and European funding programs and sponsorship plans, and provide support and guidance to communities and entities/individuals when applying for funding.
  • Functioning as a “bridge” between the public and private sectors to promote and coordinate utility projects in the local community, promoting and forming cooperation agreements in the management and promotion of the territory, as well as resolving local issues in contact with the competent services.
  • Promotion of the territory ( branding ) and local products.
  • Development and implementation of a training program for local entrepreneurs/communities to identify sources of financing, as well as develop and conduct business activities in accordance with the protection and sustainable use of the territory with the aim of creating jobs.
  • Participation in European programs.

Creation of a craft zone within the administrative boundaries of Inia

The main objective of the measure is to immediately enhance economic activities in the area through the organized placement of craft enterprises and the immediate revitalization of craft sites by interested entrepreneurs, which will contribute to the modernization of the quality of the built environment.

The project will be planned by the Department of Urban Planning and Housing and implemented in collaboration with local authorities. According to the established schedules, it is expected that the study and design of the industrial zone will be completed in 2024, and the start of the project will take place in 2025.

Akama National Forest Visitor Center

Due to the great ecological significance and institutional protection of the Lara Bay area for sea turtle breeding purposes, and in the context of the planning and implementation of the Akama National Forest Park Sustainable Development Plan, it has been proposed that the Inya community be granted a percentage of the economic benefit from the operation of the National Forest Park Visitor Center Akamas in the southern bay of Lara.

In this context, consideration will be given to amending the legislation by issuing a decision of the Council of Ministers on the use of infrastructure by the Iniya community with the aim of creating economic benefits for the community, thereby satisfying a long-standing request of the community.

Disposal of sea salt in Lara

Inia community for a license to collect sea salt from the area between the southern and northern bays of Lara and dispose of it as a local product, it was decided to grant a license for the management and economic use of sea salt based on a business plan to be drawn up.

In this context, the costs of preparing a business plan will be covered, which will include a feasibility study on the collection, use and disposal of salt and, based on the results of the study, the conditions for granting a long-term license for the use and exploitation of sea salt. The license will be issued by the Inia community .

Research on the use of Inia rocks for rock climbing

The measure concerns the granting of the right to use the Alikos and Herakopeta rocks , located within the Akamas EDP and the administrative boundaries of Inia , to the Inia community based on a long-term contract for the use of state forest lands, according to the Forestry Law.

Imprinting and isolating Stygadia

Stigadia are characteristic xerolithic buildings in rural areas that were periodically used in the past by the local population to facilitate their agricultural activities. Their remains are found scattered throughout Akama .

This measure aims to capture and highlight the highlights of the area as an integral feature of the Akama landscape . The ultimate goal of the project is to restore and illuminate the sites so that they can be included in the UNESCO list of cultural heritage sites.

Akama communities host museums and centers that promote and highlight the ecological and cultural richness of the region. The assistance that will be provided by the state is 15,000 euros per year for each of the 5 communities and is designed for five years from 2024 to 2025.

Studying the possibility of creating or relocating a livestock area within the administrative boundaries of Neo Chorio

The measure concerns the creation of five livestock plots to facilitate the organized placement of livestock complexes and the immediate use of the plots by interested livestock farmers.

The planning and implementation of the project will be reviewed by the Ministry of Agriculture, and the need for its implementation will be decided on the basis of appropriate consultations with livestock farmers in the region and other concerned authorities.

Source and photo:, Editorial office

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