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Swimming pool legislation upgrade

Swimming pool legislation upgrade


A bill aimed at improving legislation relating to the specification and inspection of public and private swimming pools is expected to be introduced in parliament before the end of the year after the issue was discussed at a House of Representatives internal committee meeting on Thursday.

Members of the parliamentary home affairs committee have asked for the bill to be introduced into parliament before the end of the year. It is noteworthy that earlier, in 2019, EDEK MP Elias Miriantus made a legislative proposal on the same issue.

The bill, which is currently being considered by the legal service, divides swimming pools into three separate groups:

  • swimming pools located on the territory of water parks;
  • hotel and tourist pools;
  • all other basins except those serving more than five residential units.

Depending on the category, these pools will require building permits and periodic inspections. Health and safety inspections will be carried out systematically for pools in the first two categories, while only random inspections will be carried out for pools in the third category. In addition, lifeguards will be required to monitor the first two categories.

After the meeting, the deputy chair of the committee, AKEL MP Marina Nicolaou, said that the process of drafting the bill was completed, emphasizing that the current legislation, adopted in 1992, is outdated. “The modernization is a step in the right direction,” she said.

EDEK MP Elias Miriantus called for the bill to be immediately submitted to parliament and voted on before the upcoming summer season. He added that existing legislation governing swimming pools was outdated, despite EU guidelines and standards governing such matters. “There is therefore an urgent need to change regulations regarding swimming pools, especially those relating to safety, water quality and water use,” he said.

Editor’s comments

This is how Cyprus swimming pool law currently works:

  • Paragraph 2 of Cyprus Law N.55(I)/92 states that the term “public swimming pool” also includes swimming pools of buildings that are used by apartment owners or their tenants.
  • Paragraph 47 (1) of Regulation No. 368/96 states that all employees working on the premises of the swimming pool or in connection with its operation must have a certificate of health, etc.
  • Paragraph 47(2) of Regulation No. 368/96 states that all trained supervisors will be on duty during the operation and use of the swimming pool. Their number is determined according to the size of the pool and the number of people usually using the pool.
  • Paragraph 47(2)(a)(i) of Regulation No. 368/96 states that for small swimming pools at least one trained supervisor must be appointed.
  • Paragraph 53 of Part VII of Regulation No. 368/96 states that a license is required to operate a swimming pool by submitting an application to the relevant authority. The final decision is made by the minister.
Source and photo:, Editor

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