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Stek announced participation in a conference dedicated to religious and pilgrimage tourism in Cyprus and Greece

Stek announced participation in a conference dedicated to religious and pilgrimage tourism in Cyprus and Greece


The Cyprus Tourism Enterprises Association (Stek) on Friday announced its participation in a conference dedicated to religious and pilgrimage tourism in Cyprus and Greece.

The conference, held in Greece, looked at how Cyprus and Greece can make the most of religious tourism through the targeted promotion of each country’s cultural and religious heritage, including a large number of churches and religious sites.

During the conference, speakers reviewed the latest and innovative methods for digitizing relics and creating augmented reality experiences through laboratory workshops, as well as international developments in the field of tourism development through the use of cultural heritage and the development of religious and pilgrimage tourism.

In addition, there was a discussion on best practices in terms of the digitization of intangible religious heritage and the creation of digital and hybrid museums, and the conference also considered new trends in the development of skills that professionals working in the field of religious and cultural tourism should have ..

The International Investment Forum, which took place this week in Limassol, allowed 17 innovative start-up companies and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) from Greece, Cyprus and Bulgaria to showcase their ideas to potential investors and entrepreneurs.

More than 70 people took part in the forum, which was held in the ASBIS High Technology Cluster as part of the “Organization of Acceleration for Promising Innovative SMEs” (“Gazelle”) project. The project is being implemented with the financial support of the Interreg Balkan-Mediterranean Program for 2014-2020.

The Gazelle project is a mechanism designed to accelerate the development of innovative companies by facilitating the transfer of knowledge and best practices, including the development of tools for business angels and entrepreneurs.

In addition to the aforementioned start-up presentations, the forum also featured various Gazelle project activities, including business acceleration initiatives and transfer of technical know-how to innovative start-up SMEs.

Elisa Loukaidou, Director of the Acceleration Program ARIS (A Really Inspiring Space), the national center for support of the Gazelle project in Cyprus, emphasized the importance of European funds to bring such initiatives to life.

Moreover, Lucaidou said that these funds greatly facilitate the implementation of important projects, which, in turn, play a catalytic role in the development and strengthening of innovative companies and start-ups, as well as in supporting transnational cooperation in Europe.

The Cyprus Land and Building Developers Association said this week that the partial collapse of balconies in Limassol following heavy rain further highlights the need to modernize the legal framework governing joint ownership of buildings.

The Association, based on the experience of its members, can identify a legal gap in the system and give advice so that we do not go as far as mourning for the victims, since the incident in Limassol is not the first in Cyprus . ”, the association said, referring to two more accidents in Paphos with the collapse of two balconies in the summer.

Mersina Isidorou, CEO of the association, said that in this regard, “the law of 2022 on the management of jointly owned buildings and related issues should be adopted immediately.”

Isidorou added that tenant building fees are currently at a very low level, which hinders the proper and timely maintenance of buildings in Cyprus.

“The association wants to make it clear that the problem is extremely broad as it affects every building that is used by more than one user, and affects not only owners and tenants, but also neighbors and those who walk outside the property,” the association said in a statement.

“The government and parliament are called upon to resolve these issues, since the adoption of an amendment to the current bill, which affects the essence of the matter, should have been done a long time ago,” the associations concluded.

The Cyprus Stock Exchange (CSE) ended Friday, October 21st with a profit.

The overall Cypriot stock market index stood at 74.83 points at 2:12 pm during the day, reflecting an increase of 0.19% from the previous trading day.

The FTSE/CySE 20 Index stood at 44.90, up 0.2%.

The total transaction value was 70,949 euros.

In terms of sub-indices, the core and hotel indexes rose 0.21% and 0.42%, respectively, while the alternative companies and investment companies indexes declined, down 0.02% and 0.95%, respectively.

Bank of Cyprus (+0.74%), Pandora (-1.45%), Demetra (-1.01%), Hellenic Bank (-1.47%), Atlantic Insurance (-0.66%) attracted the highest investment interest %) and hotels of Leptos Calypso (+5.21%).

Source and photo:, Editor

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