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SPOLMIK: Safety and health in construction projects – The ” Zero Accidents ‘ vision

SPOLMIK: Safety and health in construction projects – The ” Zero Accidents ‘ vision


The Association of Civil Engineers of Cyprus (SPOLMIK), with over 250 delegates, organized the 8th International Conference on Safety and Health in Construction Projects in Nicosia entitled “Respect for Human Rights – Everyone has a Role to Play” at the Hilton Hotel Nicosia .

The conference was organized under the auspices of the Minister of Labor and Social Insurance Giannis Panagiota . According to a press release issued by SPOLMIK, the conference was part of the activities of the global campaign “ Vision Zero » International Social Security Organization (ISSA).

The co-organizers were the Department of Construction of the ISSA Organization and the German Institute for Compulsory Insurance and Accident Prevention in the Building Sector (BG BAU), while the supporters were the Department of Labor Inspection (TEE), ETEK, the European Council of Civil Engineers (ECCE) and the International Organization of Coordinators for Safety and occupational health in construction (ISHCCO).

It is noted that the conference was aimed at protecting and strengthening respect for human rights and focusing on people in order to achieve the vision of “Zero accidents”. This vision, in addition to the goal of the Vision global campaign Zero by ISSA is the goal of the new European Commission’s Strategic Framework for Health and Safety at Work 2021-2027. and the Cyprus Strategy for Occupational Safety and Health at Work.

It is added that the conference was attended by 17 speakers from 7 different countries, and the program included 3 keynote speeches, 3 sections on the topics “People in the spotlight”, “Leadership” and “Everyone must play their role”, as well as 4 seminars on the relevant topics with the active participation of delegates.

In parallel, an exhibition of equipment and services for labor protection and construction facilities was held, as well as an exhibition of photographs from the photo contest “Man at a Construction Site”.

Source and photo:, Editor

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