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Secure your home while on holiday

Secure your home while on holiday


In any holiday season, especially in summer, many people go on vacation for a long period, while entire neighborhoods are practically empty. This is especially noticeable in the areas of Protaras and Paphos, where entire neighborhoods are “abandoned” in winter. Therefore, there is no protection of your property from prying eyes.

Thefts are on the rise these days, so here are a few tips on how to protect your property:

  1. Install an alarm system (approximately €1,000 + €200 per year for maintenance) that will be connected to your mobile phone, security company, local police station, etc.
  2. Notify the local police station that you are not at home.
  3. Install shutters on at least the ground floor of your house (cost approximately 3,000 euros).
  4. Install steel bars for at least small windows (approximately 500 euros).
  5. Use laminated glass and security locks for windows and doors (additional cost 1500 euros).
  6. Use cameras that will cover the main entrances to the house (another 1000 euros).
  7. Install garden lighting and overhead lighting with automatic sensors (minor additional cost) as this is the most critical problem for thieves.
  8. Use the videophone door (about 300 euros).
  9. Get a safe that needs to be fixed to the floor so that it cannot be carried away (approximately 1200 euros).
  10. Lock your door and windows when you leave, even for a little while.
  11. Use an armored door (add 500 euros) and a safety lock.
  12. Close curtains and shutters so that no one can see inside the house. Don’t give house keys if you don’t know the person. Don’t forget that it’s dangerous to give keys to random handymen, pool cleaners, and gardeners.
  13. Do not leave the key outside (under a carpet or in an electrical box ) or inside a locked mailbox.
  14. Connect your landline to your mobile, and don’t use the answering machine to tell you you’re not home.
  15. Do not leave ladders or other equipment in the garden that might make access from a higher point easier.
  16. Try to build a good relationship with the manager of a nearby building or property by asking them to keep an eye on you.

These and other methods are preventive measures that should be considered in vacation home areas, especially during the holidays.

When buying a vacation home, keep the above tips and other costs in mind as there is nothing worse than arriving at your home and finding it has been broken into.

Source and photo:, Editor

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