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Revised housing plans for mountainous and rural areas

Revised housing plans for mountainous and rural areas


Revised and improved housing schemes and allowances to support residents of rural, mountainous, arid and disadvantaged areas, allowance policy and a new housing scheme for the walled city of Nicosia, approved by the Council of Ministers for 2023, was presented by Minister Nikos Nouris.

The new plans include a supplementary plan for Nicosia, a building renovation plan for Strovilia, conversion to mountain areas to receive more support, and an additional seven communities have been added to the support allowance for people in the mountains and backcountry. The total budget for projects and grants is 32.5 million euros.

Regarding housing projects for mountainous, rural and arid areas, Mr. Nouris said that as a result of the strong interest in these projects, the Ministry of the Interior has increased available loans many times over. The budget for this year provides for up to 20 million euros, with 5 million euros and 15 million euros in 2021 and 2022 respectively.

Mr. Nouris noted that in the new plans, three communities located entirely in the neutral zone, Mammari, Dénia and Trulli, were exceptionally transferred from the category of “Critical” to the category “Mountain and disadvantaged areas”, in which the beneficiaries enjoy increased benefits . The municipality of Atienou was also exceptionally upgraded from Critical to Mountainous and disadvantaged areas. The third intervention, he said, concerns the Pyla area, part of a residential area now included in the countryside plan.

Subsidy scheme for the renovation of existing houses in the Strovilia area

Mr. Nouris announced that the ministry has prepared a new separate grant scheme for the Strovilia area, which he says “unfortunately shows an image of abandonment.”

Explaining the impossibility of issuing building permits, he added that, recognizing its specifics, we are implementing this new subsidy scheme in the Strovil area so that through this scheme financial assistance is provided as an alternative to the renovation of existing residential buildings. These measures, he said, are aimed at increasing the population density in these areas.

As he mentioned, the measures approved by the Council of Ministers last week in the amount of 95,000 euros are aimed at increasing the pool of beneficiaries for the acquisition of a private residence, increasing benefits, which gives more incentives for young people.

The funds of this project will be covered by the budget of other housing projects. For all housing schemes, the application start date will be March 1, 2023 and the closing date will be December 31, 2023.

Benefits to support residents of mountainous and remote areas

Mr Nouris said that in addition to improvements in housing plans, welfare policy issues are also being improved to meet the needs of citizens.

According to him, for 2023, 7 additional communities have been included as an exception in relation to the support for mountain residents: Agios Ambrosios, Limassol, Doros, Kapileios, Kedari, Limnati, Messani and Monagrio.

At the same time, Nikos Nouris recalled that in 2022 alone, 21,200 people used the allowance for mountain areas, and the total assistance amounted to about 5 million euros, while he recalled that, according to the decision of the Council of Ministers, emergency one-time assistance in the amount of 4.6 million euros for to cope with growth and crisis, while, in addition, an allowance for remote areas was provided, which benefited about 6,700 people, with financial assistance amounting to about 2.2 million euros.

For benefit programs, the start date for applications is April 3, 2023, and the closing date is April 30, 2023, he said.

Housing scheme in the walled city of Nicosia

In addition, Mr. Nouris announced that the Council of Ministers has approved an additional Grant Plan providing financial support for those wishing to purchase a mansion for permanent residence in the historic center of the old city, which, according to him, will have the same eligibility criteria and financial assistance applicable to Scheme of housing construction in the most mountainous and remote areas.

The maximum amount of support varies depending on the composition of the family up to €70,000, with additional assistance of €10,000 being offered for people with disabilities, he said.

“This plan will be added to the already announced Walled City Reconstruction Action Plan, which, as a reminder, includes the Student Housing Grant Plan, incentives for increased business activity, and upgraded incentives for retained buildings,” he said.

In this regard, in order for the person concerned to become a beneficiary, he or his spouse / partner must not own another private residence on the date of application.

The plan is implemented from March 1, 2023 with a budget of €5 million and will remain open until the application deadline of December 31, 2025, or until the available budget is exhausted.

In addition, presenting the details of the plans, Patrina Taramidou, Head of the Housing Policy Directorate of the Ministry of Housing, said that the plans now cover all communities in Cyprus. “We are talking about 386 communities, including areas in the municipality of Nicosia and Agios Dometios and part of Pyla. So there is no one who is not covered in terms of communities,” he said.

Source and photo:, Editor

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