Ippodamos system, is expected to be resolved by the end of this year or early next year, said Angelos , chairman of the Larnaca Regional Organisation (EOA) . Hadjiharalambous . He noted that the system faced numerous technical difficulties and problems with the adaptation of employees. In particular, the program periodically crashed, which prevented effective work. In addition, there were difficulties associated with the training of both the employees of the organization itself and the professionals, including architects and engineers, who also participated in the process.
According to Hadjiharalambous , from July to the present there has been a transition period during which the system has stabilized and professionals have begun to get used to the new conditions. One of the difficulties has been the need for coordination between three different services: the urban development service, the district administration and the municipal authorities. This change has caused some delays, as the licensing process now requires the participation of several authorities at once.
However, the situation has gradually improved. According to Hadjiharalambous , the staff and users of the system have become more familiar with the new rules and procedures. He expressed confidence that by the end of the year, all delayed licenses will be reviewed and approved. An action plan, which will be presented to the public soon, will clarify the next steps in processing license applications, as well as details on which types of permits will be considered first.
In addition to licensing issues, Hadjicharalambous addressed the issue of water leaks, which became acute in Larnaca during the summer. In July and August, the organization developed an action plan to combat water losses, aimed at repairing damaged water pipes and replacing old ones. During this period, nine repair teams were assembled, responding to 400 cases of damage and replacement of pipes in 16 new communities transferred to the organization’s control. Leaks were classified by priority, depending on the volume of water lost.
A long-term action plan to further reduce water loss in the region will be prepared in September. Among the planned measures are replacing small sections of the pipeline and using new technologies to detect large leaks. Importantly, these measures will be accompanied by detailed costing calculations to determine what resources are needed to implement the program. One possible solution is replacing the water mains, but this will require more significant funding.
Hadjiharalambous also stressed that the main task in the first two months of the organization’s work was to ensure uninterrupted water supply during the summer months. During this period, more than 600 cases of leaks on streets and sidewalks were recorded, and crews worked around the clock to fix more than 400 of these problems. This allowed to significantly reduce water losses in the region.