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Real estate recommendations for the new president

Real estate recommendations for the new president


As the new president takes office, several proposals need to be made that could improve the real estate and construction industry.

The acceptance of deputy ministers by the previous government proved worthy. The two original Deputy Ministers of Tourism and Shipping performed very well from the outset and other Deputy Ministers were admitted based on their success. A Deputy Minister for the Ministry of the Interior should also be appointed to deal with issues related to urban planning and land administration, permits and more.

General spending is the “curse” of the industry, which is not solved due to the lack of interest from the state and parties. Immediate discussion and resolution of the issue should be a priority.

We were overloaded with commissars of varying quality and efficiency. For example, when it comes to personal data, no one knows what is used and where. Can anyone install cameras in their home? The first thing the police are interested in when investigating a crime is there cameras to use the footage as evidence, but their installation may be illegal and possibly inadmissible in court?

The insurance commissioner remains silent on many issues, despite the fact that many complaints have been filed. Incomprehensible approaches of insurance companies leave customers helpless.

Another serious issue is non-compliance with the law, as well as the untimely response of the state to letters. Legislation requires a response from the public service within 30 days from the date of the citizen’s application, but in practice there is no response.

Affordable housing is another problematic issue, and aside from subsidies, the previous government had no major solutions. And there are others such as reducing VAT to 5 percent from 19 percent with a delay.

There are many other issues, such as the minimum size required for units, which increases the cost of acquiring a house by 30 percent, wasted public land, impunity for ministers and civil servants whose mistakes affect people even though they are never held accountable.

The success or failure of the new president will depend on the quality of the people he appoints to various positions.

Source and photo:, Editor

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