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Real estate entered 2023 with a 28% jump, only falling in Nicosia

Real estate entered 2023 with a 28% jump, only falling in Nicosia


The real estate market in the new year recorded an increase of 28% and continued the positive dynamics of last year. In particular, according to the Department of Cadastre and Surveying, property sales in Cyprus increased by 28% in January 2023, reaching 1091 compared to 855 in January 2022.

Limassol is firmly in first place in terms of sales, with 346 sales documents completed in January this year compared to 276 documents in January last year, representing a 25% increase.

Paphos recorded a 35% increase with 289 sales in January 2023 compared to 214 in January 2022.

In Larnaca, property sales increased by 50%, reaching 225 in January 2023 compared to 150 in the corresponding month of 2022.

The only province to see a decline (-7%) was Nicosia, where 174 sales documents were filed in the first month of 2023, compared to 188 in the first month of 2022.

Real estate sales in freehold Famagusta rose by 111% to 57 compared to 27 in January last year.

Source and photo:, Editor

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