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Public employment in Cyprus increased by 0.4% in September 2022

Public employment in Cyprus increased by 0.4% in September 2022


According to a report published this week by the Cypriot Statistical Office (Cystat), government employment in Cyprus increased by 0.4% year on year in September 2022, and the total number of employees is now 52,601.

The number of permanent staff decreased by 3% after the layoff of 782 employees, and the total headcount decreased from 26,392 to 25,610 people. At the same time, temporary staff increased by 925 people (5.3%) to 18,518 compared to 17,593 in September 2021. At the same time, growth was observed in all categories of personnel, with the exception of members of the security forces, whose number decreased by 2.1%.

In addition, the largest increase was in the education service staff, which increased by 2.5%, mainly due to an increase in temporary staff by 13.1%, compared to the same month of the previous year.

Compared to August 2022, the number of civil servants decreased in all categories, with the exception of education employees, whose number increased by 1.5%, mainly due to an increase in the number of temporary employees by 8.5%.

The Paphos Regional Tourism Board (Etap) this week released a statement congratulating the Kritou Tera community for being awarded the Colorful Village certification by the Deputy Ministry of Tourism, and for the community’s efforts to preserve and promote its unique identity, heritage and natural landscape.

The Board also stated that it has been working closely with the village over the past few years to demonstrate the competitive advantages it has to offer, especially in terms of how it differs from other villages in Cyprus.

“Among other things, we have been able to achieve aesthetic renewal by reducing visual pollution, maintaining cleanliness, using and preserving the natural environment, and enriching the tourist experience of visitors through authentic and unique experiences offered by the community . — said Etap .

The Paphos Tourism Board is calling on all communities to focus on aesthetic renewal, limiting visual pollution and maintaining cleanliness.

The Cyprus Stock Exchange (CSE) ended Wednesday 12 October with a profit.

The overall Cypriot stock market index stood at 74.35 points at 13:18 during the day, reflecting an increase of 0.22% from the previous trading day.

The FTSE/CySE 20 index stood at 44.61 points, up 0.20%.

The total transaction value was 57,280 euros.

As for the sub-indices, the main index rose by 0.25%, while the alternative indices, hospitality and investment companies indices remained stable.

The Bank of Cyprus (+0.75%) and Public Company Cyprus Cement (no change) aroused the greatest investment interest.

Source and photo:, Editor

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