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Population of the Republic of Cyprus

Population of the Republic of Cyprus

Cyprus, located in the eastern part of the Mediterranean Sea, has a rich history and strategic position that has attracted the interest of various civilizations throughout the centuries. Today, Cyprus is an independent republic that, despite its small population, plays an important role in the region.

The population of Cyprus represents an interesting demographic phenomenon, reflecting the island’s complex history and its modern economic development. As of 2024, the population of Cyprus is approximately 1.27 million people, making it one of the least populated countries in Europe. However, the island has a high population density of more than 135 people per square kilometer.

Historical Population Growth

Historically, the population of Cyprus has steadily increased, especially in recent decades. Since 1950, when the population was about 533,000, it has almost doubled. In the 1980s and 1990s, growth continued due to economic development and increased life expectancy. By 2000, the island’s population had reached about 948,000, and by 2010, this number had grown to more than 1.1 million.

Current Demographic Characteristics

Today, Cyprus demonstrates stable population growth, although the growth rate has slowed compared to previous decades. The average annual growth rate is around 0.6-1% per year.

Factors Affecting Demographics

The main factors contributing to the population growth of Cyprus are:

  • Natural increase: Despite a decline in birth rates, natural increase remains positive due to relatively low mortality rates.
  • Migration: Cyprus attracts migrants due to economic opportunities and a high standard of living. The influx of migrants has significantly impacted the country’s demographic structure, especially in recent decades.
  • Economic development: Economic growth, particularly in the tourism and financial sectors, stimulates internal migration and attracts foreign professionals.

Age Structure and Life Expectancy

The average age of the population in Cyprus is about 40 years, reflecting the aging process typical of most European countries. The expected life expectancy is approximately 82 years, one of the highest in the world. Interestingly, men and women on the island are almost equally represented, with a slight male majority (50.089% versus 49.911%).

Population Distribution

Most of the population is concentrated in major cities such as Nicosia, Limassol, and Larnaca. Over 60% of the population lives in urban areas.

Projections and Future Population

According to forecasts, the population of Cyprus will continue to increase, though at a more moderate pace. It is expected that by 2050, the population will reach 1.5 million people. At the same time, further aging of the population is predicted, which will require adaptations in social policies, including healthcare and pension reforms.

The population of Cyprus, despite its relatively small size, is an important element of its economic and social structure. The island continues to attract migrants and maintain stable population growth. However, the aging population and the need to adapt social infrastructure to new challenges will be the main tasks for Cyprus in the coming decades. These trends will play a key role in shaping the future of Cyprus.

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