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Piale Passia will be a jewel after the facelift

Piale Passia will be a jewel after the facelift


The municipality estimates that the Piale Passia area will become the pearl of Larnaca after the completion of the improvement of the facades of its buildings.

The written statement states that “on Monday, July 11, Larnaca Mayor Andreas Viras met with Michalis Efstatiou, a representative of Studio Bagno and BauTech Systems, who informed him about the progress of the project “Restoration and improvement of facades of buildings in Piale Pasia”.

It is added that “Mr. Efstathiou, in collaboration with the Larnaca Tourism Development and Promotion Company (ETAP), played an active role in the process of finalizing and registering the idea, as well as in the final selection of colors with which the facades of the buildings will be painted. The aim of the project is, on the one hand, the improvement of the facades for the benefit of the area itself and Larnaca, and on the other hand, the improvement of the quality of life of residents, neighbors and guests of the city.

According to the announcement, “The choice of specific color tones for the facades of the buildings was made by a group of artists, consisting of Euro Evriviadis, Kyriakos Tsangaridis, Spyros Agatou, Iosif Hatzikyriakos and with the personal participation of Michalis Efstatiou and Stefanos Thompson. The respective colors chosen correspond to Larnaca based on historical evidence taken from records, paintings and engravings of the period.”

The goal of these efforts “is to start building a Larnaca color identity that will be extended to the rest of the city and province that respect their culture and history, emphasizing it even more. With the completion of the project, the traditional architecture and history of the area will be displayed and highlighted, which requires special study and attention.”

The works to be carried out “to restore the facades as close as possible to their original appearance, are mainly architectural in nature and include the removal of peeling plaster, materials and coatings, removal from finished surfaces, ceramic or stone coatings, signs, inscriptions and removal of materials that do not correspond to the nature of the area.

The announcement also mentions that “after the completion of specific works, this area will become the pearl of the city of Larnaca. The Municipality of Larnaca is enthusiastic about this particular project and is facilitating its immediate implementation.”

It is noted that the municipality of Larnaca has already announced a tender for the project, which was developed by the office of ARMON SPACE ARCHITECTURE LTD. The cost of the project is estimated at EUR 1,052,000.00 + VAT, it will last 15 months and may be co-financed by the European Union, the Republic of Cyprus and the Municipality of Larnaca.”

Source and photo:, Editor

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