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Pafilia is a business leader in the construction and real property sector

Pafilia is a business leader in the construction and real property sector


IMH and the Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry organize the KEBE Business Award every year leader Awards .

This year the CEO of Pafilia , Mr. Iliadis , was awarded the title of Business Leader in the construction and real estate sector. The award ceremony last week was attended by some of the country’s most successful businessmen, as well as the President of Cyprus, Mr. Nikos Anastasiadis .

The purpose of the award is to recognize leading Cypriot entrepreneurs who have developed their business and contributed to the Cypriot economy and, among other things, have created best practices and innovative strategies by conducting their business with integrity and ethics. Entrepreneurs who are respected by their employees, their competitors, and the wider business community and act in accordance with the principles that define a successful entrepreneur: strength, innovation, understanding and knowledge.

Mr. Iliadis commented: “It is a great honor for me, Pafilia management and staff to receive this award and to give us the opportunity to showcase our work. Pafilia was founded in 1977 and with a unified and focused strategy, we are constantly engaged in initiatives that enrich and improve the environment and the long-term sustainability of the communities we work with. To do this, we partner with the best professionals and apply best practices to create an innovative and creative work environment.”

Source and photo:, Editor

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