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Over 7,000 Greek Cypriots apply to IPC

Over 7,000 Greek Cypriots apply to IPC


According to the northern “ambassador” in Ankara, more than 7,000 Greek Cypriots have applied to the Real Estate Commission (IPC).

Ismet Korukoğlu, in wide-ranging statements to the Turkish media, opposed the recent lifting of the US arms embargo on Cyprus, Varosha and the need to recognize the north.

As for Varosha, he stated that the fenced area is part of the “TRNC” territory and it is the “government” that will make the necessary decisions about its future.

“To date, over 7,000 Greek Cypriots have applied to the IPC,” he said. Korukoğlu also said the US has abandoned its balance policy and is evaluating moves that favor the island’s Greeks. He supported Turkey’s foreign ministry’s strong condemnation of the US decision, which urged Washington to reconsider its policy, saying the development would negatively impact efforts to resolve the Cyprus issue.

“The Greek Cypriot side is increasing its [military] budget day by day, they are buying attack helicopters from different countries,” he said.

The “Ambassador” also stated that the Republic had announced a decision to purchase missile systems, adding: “Lifting the arms embargo… is not a good decision, it is clear that it will lead to an arms race.”

He also echoed Turkish Cypriot leader Ersin Tatar’s argument that repeated rounds of negotiations on many settlement models had failed. He said that the first condition for the resumption of negotiations is the recognition of the sovereignty and equal international status of the North.

Source and photo:, Editor

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