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Number of Building Permits in Cyprus Increased by 8.5% in the First Five Months of 2024

Number of Building Permits in Cyprus Increased by 8.5% in the First Five Months of 2024



According to data published on Wednesday by the Cyprus Statistical Service, the number of building permits issued from January to May 2024 increased by 8.5%. A total of 3,254 permits were issued during this period, compared to 2,998 permits issued in the same period last year.

The total value of these permits rose by 8.4%, while the total area of the projects increased by 13.4%. The number of new residential units grew by 17.1%.

In May 2024, municipal and district authorities issued 709 building permits. The total value of these permits amounted to €271.6 million, with a total area of 213,800 square meters. These permits cover the construction of 990 residential units.

Building permits are a significant indicator of future activity in the construction sector.


Text based on information from, photo by

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