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Nikos Anastasiadis inaugurates development projects in Nicosia

Nikos Anastasiadis inaugurates development projects in Nicosia


The President of the Republic, Nikos Anastasiadis , will today tour Nicosia, where he will inaugurate development projects.

Among other things, President Anastasiadis will lay the foundation stone for Phase 1 of the Athalassa Mental Health Center and inspect the refurbishment of the facilities at the old GSP.

It will also open an Information and Training Center to promote employment and business activity, it will open the renovated building of the old Supreme Court, which houses the Administrative Court, and it will open projects for the reconstruction and restoration of the Pancypriot High School.

According to the program, at 19:00 the President of the Republic will open the renovation of the commercial triangle of Makariou- Evagorou and Stasikratous streets , and then sit down to a dinner hosted by Nicosia Mayor Konstantinos Giorkatsias .

Source and photo:, Editor

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