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New government, old property issues

New government, old property issues


Affordable housing is one of the most problematic issues, and other than subsidies, the outgoing government had no major solutions. And yet there are solutions, with a reduction in VAT to 5% from 19%, with a suspension.

Title procedures cannot be accelerated under the current 50 year old system.

We have provided a detailed explanation of how this can be overcome with the involvement of the private sector, such as a supervising architect (with appropriate responsibility).

The indifference of civil servants is a matter of course, as is the recent example of the silence on the story of an Indian investor who left Cyprus and his business for this reason, while foreign employees with high incomes make similar protests.

In this regard, I would like journalists to have the basic knowledge and some training (before interviewing candidates) to ask questions and also to be able to collate the many responses they receive.

What is their position on determining the minimum area of apartments, which increases the cost of purchasing a house by 30%?

Why waste on state land, expropriation, subsidies, etc., when the issue is resolved by delimiting/abolishing minimum areas?

What is their position on “Ministerial Responsibility” (for bad decisions)?

What is their position on imprisoning or punishing civil servants for wrongful decisions (in Italy, a court sentenced employees of the seismological department to seven years in prison for incorrectly predicting the level of an earthquake)?

What is their position on tolerance for 6 containers in Protaras that have been converted into houses with the blessing of the municipality?

What is the responsibility of local authorities?

And just as many questions remained unanswered during the debate.

Source and photo:, Editor

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