The net new credit, transferred to the banks of Cyprus, amounted to 2.94 billion euros in 2021, which means a growth rate of 22.3%, after the economy of Cyprus recovered from the pandemics of COVID-19 in 2020.
According to the current, published Central Bank of Cyprus, net new loans in 2021 will reach 536 million euros in 2021, compared to 2.4 billion euros per year, primarily for the sake of living credit.
Clear new loans, taken out in December 2021, amounted to 373 million euros, which is the only high monthly indicator for the 2021 year.
Compared to 2019, new loans in 2021 will be reduced to 8.25% or 264 million euros.
Home loans amounted to Lviv debt long net loans, taken out in 2021, amounting to 1.12 billion euros, or 38.1% of the total loan volume, at a time when compared to 2020, 33 home loans per year euro.
Thanks to the government subsidies on the percentage point in 2020 and 2021, the corporate loans exceeded the corporate loans to the sum of 1 million Euros, on which the traditional incomes of the new high-rise loans came.
New corporate loans totaling 1 million euros amounted to 1 billion euros, or 34.2% of the total amount of new loans, issued in 2021, which at 40 million euros was higher than in 2020.
Corporate loans totaling up to 1 million euros amounted to 539 million euros, which at 174 million euros was higher than in 2020, and accounted for 18% of the total amount of loans taken out in 2020.
The new consumer loan in 2021 remained unchanged and amounted to 149.2 million euros, while other loans in 2021 amounted to 124.2 million euros, which at 17.3 million euros in the year, compared to 2020, reports CBC.