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New bridge on the Diarizos river costing 450 thousand euros

New bridge on the Diarizos river costing 450 thousand euros


The construction of a modern bridge in Diarizos, which will connect Mamonia with the archimandrite, at a cost of 450 thousand euros, was announced by the prefect of Paphos, Maria Lambrou.

In her greeting at the event in Mammonia, Ms. Lambrou mentioned that the construction of a modern bridge will serve farmers and residents for safe traffic, adding that studies have already been completed and consultations are underway with the Department of the Environment.

“There is also a 70,000-euro public building site improvement project underway,” he stressed, “and as soon as the projects are ready, they will be proposed in subsequent annual state budgets.”

The Paphos district indicated that within the framework of the state budget for 2022, infrastructure projects are being promoted with the improvement of roads, for which the administration of the district is responsible, as well as the repair of the Archimandritas-Mamonia road with general provision of expenses. 57 thousand euros.

Source and photo:, Editor of

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