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Navigating rising costs in Cyprus

Navigating rising costs in Cyprus


For retirees, especially those from the UK, the Cyprus property market presents both opportunities and challenges. Given the rise in interest rates and construction costs, an individual strategy is needed. This advanced guide aims to delve deeper into specific strategies such as renting out properties, investing in older homes, and more.

Retirees face unique challenges in today’s market, especially those on fixed incomes. Therefore, it is imperative to explore alternative sources of income and investment opportunities.

Renting out part of the property can be a profitable option. Long-term leases provide a stable income stream and lower turnover, which reduces administrative problems. However, they can also create the risk of problem tenants. On the other hand, short-term rentals can generate higher income and provide more flexibility in the use of your property. The downside is that they require more careful management and are subject to seasonal fluctuations in demand.

You may want to consider investing in older properties. Although prices for older properties have increased, they often require a smaller initial investment compared to new builds. This may be especially true for repossessed properties. These homes offer the potential for customization but may require significant renovations. Additionally, the legal complexities associated with repossession should not be overlooked, as they may entail hidden costs.

Selling a larger property to buy a smaller one can free up capital for other investments and reduce maintenance costs. However, the emotional toll of leaving your permanent home must be carefully weighed against the costs associated with moving and purchasing a new property.

Diversifying into fixed income investments such as bonds can provide a financial cushion. You should also be aware of government schemes that may offer financial incentives to property owners.

For retirees in Cyprus, navigating the current financial situation requires a multifaceted approach. Whether it’s generating income through rentals, investing in an old or repossessed property, or downsizing for a more manageable lifestyle, various strategies can help you not only cope with your current challenges, but also ensure a comfortable future.

Source and photo:, Editor

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