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Moving to Cyprus: key advantages

Moving to Cyprus: key advantages

Why do so many people plan to move to the Republic of Cyprus? Who considers immigration to this country the best decision? To answer these questions, we gathered opinions from people who have already moved here, and now we’ll share the results of our small research with you.

Life in Cyprus offers numerous benefits and provides a high level of comfort. Moreover, it presents various opportunities. Before moving to this country permanently, it is advisable to rent accommodation for a certain period. This allows you to experience life in Cyprus, understand the rhythm of life in the country, and feel its wonderful atmosphere. Then you can make a firm and informed decision about whether to move here permanently and, most importantly, where would be the best place for you to settle.

Stable economy

Cyprus’s economy and credit rating are steadily improving thanks to foreign investments and tourism. Hundreds of thousands of tourists visit the island each month, driving the continuous development of the service sector. The island also offers a favorable living environment for businesspeople.

Numerous foreign companies are relocating their branches to the island, as Southern Cyprus provides the most favorable and comfortable environment for entrepreneurs from other countries to work, invest, and live.


Many medical professionals on the island have studied at top European institutions and completed internships in EU clinics. These highly qualified specialists are very responsible in their work. There are also Russian-speaking doctors living in Cyprus, making communication much easier for those who do not speak English or Greek. Learn more in our article about healthcare services in Cyprus.


It’s rare to see metal doors or windows with bars because they are simply not needed. The height of fences on properties is regulated by the authorities, requiring them to be no higher than 1.2 meters so they don’t block the view of the beautiful landscapes. It’s hard to find bodyguards or security personnel among Cypriots. The island lacks industrial production, so moving here to live in a new home with a pleasant climate and good environmental conditions can positively impact the health of the entire expat family.


Tax laws in Cyprus are quite favorable toward foreign transactions and businesses registered on the island. This makes the island an incredibly attractive starting point for foreign entrepreneurs looking to start and run a business. The “soft” tax regime increases the influx of foreign investments, contributing to the rapid development of the country. Learn more in our article about taxes in Cyprus.


Education on the island is also of the highest standard. There are schools and universities where you can study in Russian, Greek, or English.

Real estate in Cyprus

In this country, anyone can find their perfect “dream home”—whether it’s a small bungalow on the coast, a villa in the mountains, or a luxurious penthouse. Modern Cypriot real estate is built according to all quality standards, ensuring that homes stay warm in the winter and comfortably cool in the summer. The island enjoys sunny weather almost year-round, so most homes are equipped with large verandas, allowing residents to spend as much time outdoors as possible.

People in Cyprus

The character and behavior of the people in a country are also important. The people here are cheerful, friendly, calm, and hospitable. Cypriots are also warm and welcoming towards immigrants and tourists.

We recommend reading our separate article about the mentality of Cypriots.


Southern Cyprus reveals its unique side to everyone. For some, it may become a perfect home, for others, a great investment or a travel destination. Everyone can find what they need on this island.

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