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Moving to Cyprus: How I Decided to Change My Life

Moving to Cyprus: How I Decided to Change My Life

My name is Alina, and I want to share my story about how I made the decision to move to Cyprus, a place that has become my new home and where I finally found harmony and balance. In 2018, feeling that my life needed a change, I decided to leave my familiar life in Moscow and head to this sunny island. Like many IT professionals, I was looking for the opportunity to continue working remotely while maintaining a high level of comfort and quality of life.

Cyprus attracted me with its mild climate, safety, and relaxed pace of life, which was such a contrast to the hustle and bustle of the metropolis. One of the main factors that influenced my decision was the opportunity to obtain a Visitor Visa, which allows you to live in Cyprus and work remotely for a company located outside the island. This was an ideal option for me, as I could continue my IT career while enjoying life by the Mediterranean Sea.

The decision to move was not an easy one. When I shared the news with my friends and family, many were surprised. “Why Cyprus?” they asked. “There’s nothing there except the sea and beaches.” But for me, Cyprus became the place where I could find the balance between work and personal life—something I so desperately lacked in Moscow.

So, the decision was made, and I began preparing for the move. I had to find a place to live, arrange the necessary documents, and resolve many small but important issues. This was the first step on the path to a new life full of changes and discoveries. I didn’t know exactly what awaited me, but I was certain of one thing: I was moving in the direction of my dream.

New Life in Cyprus: First Steps and Unexpected Challenges

My move to Cyprus began with joyful anticipation: I was finally going to live by the sea, under the warm rays of the sun. From the first glance, Limassol—the city I chose to live in—charmed me with its narrow streets, whitewashed houses, and friendly people. Everything seemed perfect, but as often happens, reality turned out to be a bit more complicated.

The first task was to find suitable housing. I had arranged to rent an apartment online in advance, but upon arrival, I realized that the photos and reality were entirely different. The apartment, which seemed cozy and bright in the pictures, was actually dark, damp, and had an inconvenient layout. At first, I thought I could get used to it, but after a few days, I realized that this place was entirely unsuitable for me.

I began actively searching for a new place, but I faced an unexpected challenge: the demand for rental properties in Limassol was high, and finding a suitable option was not easy. Many good apartments were already taken, and those that remained either didn’t meet my requirements or were too expensive. Negotiating with landlords in English wasn’t too difficult, thankfully, but the process of finding a new home turned out to be much more complex and time-consuming than I had expected.

Another challenge was adapting to the new lifestyle and culture. Despite Cyprus being a European country, many things are done quite differently here than in Moscow. For instance, locals prefer to take things slow, which was a real test for someone like me, accustomed to a fast-paced life. Interactions with government offices and local services were particularly challenging, as my requests were often processed more slowly than I was used to.

Despite these difficulties, I tried to maintain a positive outlook. I understood that moving to another country always comes with challenges, and that I just needed to get through this adaptation period. I found comfort in my daily walks along the seafront, where I could feel the true spirit of the Mediterranean. Every evening, watching the sunset over the sea, I reminded myself why I was here and that new discoveries and opportunities awaited me.

Settling in: Small Victories and Joys

Gradually, life in Cyprus began to settle into a routine. Finding suitable housing turned out to be more challenging than I had thought, but after a few weeks, I got lucky. I found a cozy apartment in the quiet Agios Tychonas area, not far from the sea. The apartment was small but bright and modern, with a spacious balcony offering a view of the azure waters of the Mediterranean Sea. This place immediately felt like home, where I felt peaceful and comfortable.

With the housing problem solved, there were still many tasks requiring my attention. One of the most important was obtaining a residence permit under the Visitor Visa category. Although I had read that the process of getting documents in Cyprus was relatively straightforward, in practice, it was more complicated. I encountered typical bureaucratic difficulties: opening a bank account, providing additional documents, communicating with the Immigration Department, and more. With each visit, I became increasingly convinced that patience was the key to success in such matters.

At the same time, my work gradually settled into a routine. My company was okay with the remote work format, which allowed me to organize my workday as I saw fit. I spent my mornings working, and after lunch, I tried to use my free time to explore the surroundings and immerse myself in the local culture. On weekends, I often went to the beach, enjoying the warm sun and crystal-clear water. These moments gave me a sense of true freedom and happiness, something I had long sought.

One of the most pleasant discoveries was meeting the locals and expats. It turned out that there are many Russian-speaking people living in Cyprus, and I quickly made friends among them. We started meeting for coffee, exchanging tips and stories about our moves. The local Cypriots were also very friendly and hospitable, although their calm and measured way of life often contrasted with my previous fast-paced life in Moscow. However, it was precisely this difference that attracted me to Cyprus.

Over time, I began to understand and appreciate Cypriot culture more and more. Here, everything is done leisurely and with pleasure, from cooking to spending time with friends. For the first time in a long time, I felt like I had learned to enjoy the moment rather than constantly chasing future goals and achievements. Cyprus taught me that balance in life is important and that you need to find joy in simple things.

Of course, there were moments when I missed home, my friends, and my family back in Russia. But each time I looked at the sea, listened to the sound of the waves, or felt the warm breeze, I realized that I had made the right choice. My life in Cyprus was beginning to take shape, and I eagerly anticipated the new discoveries and adventures that lay ahead.

Discovering New Horizons: Work and Hobbies in Cyprus

Over time, my life in Cyprus became not only comfortable but also truly fulfilling. One of the key moments was transitioning to a new job. Although my previous remote position provided a stable income, I felt like I was missing the opportunity to fully integrate into the local community. I was looking for something more than just working from home—I wanted to become a part of Cypriot life.

Through one of my new friends, I learned about a job opening at a local IT company. The position involved developing mobile applications, and the offer seemed enticing. I went through several interviews and eventually received a job offer. The company was willing to arrange a work visa for me and officially employ me, which was a real breakthrough for me: now, I could not only continue doing what I loved but also immerse myself in the work atmosphere, interacting with colleagues from different countries.

Working in an office was a refreshing experience. The company’s office was located in a modern business center with a view of the sea. My colleagues came from all over the world—Greeks, Britons, Spaniards, and even a few fellow Russians. The workdays were filled with new challenges and interesting projects. During breaks, we would all go out for lunch at local taverns, where I first tried authentic Cypriot dishes like souvlaki, halloumi, and moussaka.

This decision not only allowed me to continue my professional growth but also helped me feel like I was part of Cypriot society, fully integrating into the local life.

But most importantly, I started making real friends here. Socializing at work, going on outings, and having barbecues on the beach—all of these brought us closer together and made me feel like I was part of a big and friendly team. We often discussed our cultural differences, which helped me better understand the Cypriot mentality and philosophy of life.

Aside from work, I also found time for hobbies I had long dreamed of. I had always wanted to try water sports, and Cyprus turned out to be the perfect place for that. I signed up for kite surfing lessons, which became a real discovery for me. The first attempts to tame the wind and waves gave me a sense of flight and freedom I had never experienced before. The adrenaline, the bright sun, and the wind in my hair became my new passions.

Every weekend, I spent time on the seashore, honing my skills and enjoying nature. Sometimes I would take short trips around the island, exploring ancient ruins, old villages, and picturesque beaches. Cyprus turned out to be much more diverse than I could have imagined: there are not only beaches but also mountains where you can ski in winter and even vineyards that produce local wine.

My new passion for sports and outdoor activities not only helped me better get to know the island but also strengthened my health, making me feel stronger and more confident. I felt how the stress accumulated over the years began to fade, replaced by lightness and energy. Cyprus didn’t just become a place for me to live—it changed me from the inside, giving me new dreams and aspirations.

Life in Cyprus continued to surprise me, and I was falling more and more in love with this island every day. Ahead of me lay new challenges and discoveries, and I eagerly looked forward to what the next stage of my Cypriot adventure would bring.

Embracing the Local Culture: Celebrations, Traditions, and New Discoveries

As I lived in Cyprus, I gradually began to immerse myself in the local culture, which turned out to be much deeper and more interesting than I had imagined. The island combines ancient traditions with modern lifestyles, and every day I discovered something new.

My first encounter with Cypriot traditions came shortly after my move when I experienced one of the local holidays—Easter. This is the main religious holiday on the island, celebrated on a grand scale. The city streets were decorated with garlands and flowers, and the atmosphere everywhere was filled with joy and the expectation of a miracle. I was invited to join a local family in their Easter celebrations, and it was an unforgettable experience.

During Easter, Cypriots hold traditional night services where the whole family gathers in the church. After the service, they go home to have a festive meal. One of the traditions is the preparation of a special bread called flaounes. This aromatic, sweet bread with a filling of cheese and raisins was a culinary revelation for me. Together with the hosts, I participated in its preparation, which created an indescribable feeling of being part of an ancient culture.

But it wasn’t just religious holidays that opened up the world of Cypriot culture to me. In summer, during the peak tourist season, the island hosts numerous festivals. One of them, the Wine Festival in Limassol, left a vivid impression on me. The Municipal Park of Limassol was filled with stalls offering local wines and traditional dishes, and there were concerts and dances.

At the festival, I first tried the famous Cypriot wine, Commandaria, one of the oldest wines in the world, with a history that dates back more than 4,000 years. I was told that this wine was served at the tables of crusaders and European monarchs. Its rich flavor, with hints of dried fruits and spices, captivated me, and I realized that winemaking in Cyprus is not just an industry but a culture deeply rooted in history.

In addition to wine, I also got acquainted with traditional Cypriot dances. During the festival, local dance groups performed, and I couldn’t resist joining one of the dances. It was the Sirtaki dance—vibrant, energetic, and surprisingly easy to learn. I was struck by how everyone, from children to the elderly, moved in sync and with joy, passing the energy and happiness from one to another.

As time passed, I began to understand that Cypriot culture is not just about traditions and holidays but a particular way of life where family, communication, and respect for the past are paramount. The locals proudly preserve their customs and are eager to share them with the island’s guests. This attitude toward their culture and heritage became a real lesson and inspiration for me.

Living in Cyprus taught me to broaden my perspective, appreciate every moment, and find joy in simple things. I started to see this island not just as a new place of residence but as a home where I could be part of something greater, where I could grow and develop, absorbing all the best that this amazing land has to offer.

Immersing in Nature: Exploring the Landscapes of Cyprus

One of the main reasons I chose Cyprus for my new life was the island’s nature. The longer I lived here, the more I marveled at the diversity and beauty of the local landscapes. Cyprus is not just endless beaches and blue seas but also mountains, forests, waterfalls, and even vineyards. Every corner of the island offers its own unique beauty, which I tried to discover at every opportunity.

One of my first discoveries was a trip to the Troodos Mountains. This is the heart of the island, where nature remains pristine. Unlike the coastal areas, it is always cooler here, especially in summer. The dense forests, mountain streams, and fresh air created a sense that I had entered another world, far from the scorching coast. During one of these trips, I stumbled upon the village of Kalopanayiotis, known for its hot springs and the Monastery of Saint John Lampadistis. This place was incredibly peaceful, and I spent an entire day there, enjoying nature and serenity.

The Troodos Mountains also offered me exciting hiking trails. One of the most memorable hikes was to the Caledonia Waterfalls. The trail to the waterfall passes through a shady forest and crosses several streams. Despite the heat, the air was cool, and the sound of the falling water was music to my ears. When I finally reached the waterfall, I felt rewarded for all my efforts. This place, hidden among the mountains, became a symbol of purity and tranquility for me.

Another impressive place in Cyprus is the Akamas Peninsula on the western coast. Here, there are no crowds of tourists, and nature remains almost untouched. The peninsula is famous for its secluded beaches, picturesque cliffs, and unique flora. The most famous part of Akamas is the Blue Lagoon, a spot with crystal-clear waters where I spent an unforgettable day swimming and sunbathing on the white sands. The journey to the lagoon takes you through forests and mountains, and you can reach it by jeep or boat, adding a sense of adventure to the trip.

However, it wasn’t just the mountains and beaches that caught my attention. Cyprus is home to many vineyards, and I couldn’t miss the opportunity to learn more about the local wines and the traditions of their production. One day, I was invited on a tour of a winery in the village of Omodos, one of the oldest wine-producing villages on the island. Here, I learned how grapes are grown, harvested, and turned into wonderful wine. Wine tasting against the backdrop of green vineyards with the sound of cicadas in the background became a real pleasure for me.

Each of my trips around the island provided new experiences and sensations. I realized that Cyprus is a place where you can find a corner of nature to suit your taste, whether it’s a quiet forest, a noisy waterfall, or a deserted beach. These trips not only allowed me to get to know Cyprus better but also helped me find inner balance, rest from work and the hustle of the city. The island’s nature became a source of inspiration, a place for reflection and recharging.

Living in Cyprus, I realized that it’s important not only to enjoy the comfort that this island provides but also to explore it, discovering new places and truly enjoying it. Each journey here becomes a little adventure that stays in your memory for a long time, and I became more and more convinced that Cyprus is exactly where I want to live and continue to grow.

Building New Relationships and Creating My Own Community

In Cyprus, I not only enjoyed nature and explored the local culture, but I also began to build my own community, without which any new life would be incomplete. Meeting locals and other expats became an essential part of my life on the island. Gradually, I started to create a circle of acquaintances that helped me feel not lonely but part of something bigger.

One of the first steps on this path was meeting a group of expats who, like me, had moved to Cyprus in search of a better life. We met at an event organized for new residents of the island. It was an informal gathering where we discussed our impressions and shared stories about our moves and adaptation. Within the first few hours, I felt that I had found people who understood me and with whom I could share the joys and challenges of life abroad.

We started meeting often, organizing dinners, beach picnics, and outings to the countryside. These gatherings became a real lifeline for me during moments when I felt lonely or homesick. It turned out that many of them were going through the same emotions, and this brought us even closer together. Over time, our group became not just a community but a real family, where everyone was ready to support and help each other in difficult moments.

At the same time, I began to get more involved in the local community. At first, these were small events like fairs, exhibitions, or concerts where I could chat with Cypriots and learn more about life on the island. But over time, I realized that I wanted to contribute to the development of this community. I started participating in volunteer projects related to nature conservation and animal welfare. For example, one of the initiatives I joined involved cleaning up beaches from litter. These actions not only helped preserve the island’s beauty but also gave me the chance to meet local activists who shared my love for nature.

But perhaps the most significant moment in my journey was creating a small club where we discussed books, exchanged ideas, and organized workshops. This club became a meeting place for people with different hobbies and experiences, where everyone could learn something new. I organized meetings, invited speakers, and actively participated in discussions. It turned out that there were many creative people in Cyprus willing to share their knowledge and experience, and I was glad to be part of this movement.

These new acquaintances and my active participation in the community helped me feel that I truly belonged here. I was no longer just a guest on the island but began to feel like a full-fledged resident. Every day brought new encounters, new ideas, and new opportunities for personal growth. I realized that building your circle of acquaintances is an important step in adapting to life in a new country, and it was thanks to these people that Cyprus became not just a new place to live but a real home for me.

Now, looking back, I understand how important these steps were in building my new community. They gave me the confidence that in Cyprus, I could not only live but also grow, develop, and contribute to the life of this amazing island.

Embracing the Local Lifestyle: Finding Harmony

Like many people who move to a new place, I initially tried to adapt my life in Cyprus to the familiar rhythm and lifestyle I was used to. At first, I tried to maintain the habits and routines I had in Russia. However, I gradually began to notice that this approach didn’t always work and that the local lifestyle required different approaches and values.

One of the biggest challenges for me was understanding and accepting the slower pace of life in Cyprus. Cypriots are known for their unhurriedness and ability to enjoy each moment. This applied to everything—from completing everyday tasks to spending time with friends and family. Initially, I found this unfamiliar and even irritating. Like many of us, I was used to a fast-paced life where everything was done “on the go.” But in Cyprus, everything was different: here, people value time spent with family, long lunches, leisurely walks, and morning coffee on the terrace.

Gradually, I began to realize that this lifestyle had many positives. I started allowing myself a bit more time to relax. Instead of rushing home from work and immediately diving into tasks, I began spending evenings on the seafront, enjoying sunsets and the gentle sea breeze. I allowed myself more time for socializing with new friends, learned not to hurry, and stopped rushing things. This change in approach had a profound effect on me. I began to feel more relaxed, happier, and more in harmony with myself.

Another important step was embracing the Cypriot philosophy of “siga-siga,” which translates from Greek as “slowly-slowly.” Here, there’s no need to rush, and everything is done at its own pace. I stopped worrying about the little things, started paying more attention to the present moment, and realized that life becomes brighter when you stop trying to achieve everything at once. This allowed me to free my mind from unnecessary worries and stress, which positively impacted my well-being and mood.

At the same time, I began paying more attention to my health and physical condition and started prioritizing activities that promoted well-being and balance. Previously, exercise had been something secondary in my life, but in Cyprus, everything changed. Thanks to the warm climate and easy access to outdoor activities, I began spending more time in nature. I took up yoga, which helped me find inner balance and better understand my body. My morning yoga sessions in Dasoudi Park became a cherished routine, recharging me for the day ahead.

My diet also underwent significant changes. In Russia, I was used to quick snacks and eating on the go. Here, I started to appreciate fresh, seasonal produce that Cyprus offers in abundance. Vegetables, fruits, fresh fish—these became the staples of my diet. I learned to cook simple yet delicious dishes from local ingredients and found great joy in this process.

This new lifestyle brought me a deep sense of harmony. I realized that Cyprus is not just known for its beautiful landscapes and friendly people but also for a way of life that prioritizes peace, health, and the ability to enjoy each moment. I embraced these values and began to feel that this is how life should be. Achieving harmony with myself and the world around me became one of the most significant achievements of this stage of my life in Cyprus.

Challenges and Overcoming Obstacles: How I Learned to Handle Setbacks

Despite all the joys and discoveries that life in Cyprus brought me, the path to full adaptation was not without its challenges. Like any move to a new country, my experience was accompanied by various obstacles. In this part of my story, I want to share how I managed to cope with these difficulties and learned to overcome the barriers that arose.

One of the first challenges I faced was dealing with Cypriot bureaucracy. While obtaining documents and visas turned out to be less complicated than I had expected, the process still required time, patience, and organization. Used to solving many issues quickly and online in Russia, I now found myself needing to make frequent visits to various offices, stand in long lines, and deal with occasional delays in processing my requests. These situations caused me considerable frustration and even disappointment when it seemed like things were not moving forward.

Over time, I realized that the key to successfully overcoming these bureaucratic hurdles was planning and patience. I began approaching these processes as an inevitable part of my new life, allowing time for possible delays and gathering all necessary documents in advance. I also sought advice from those who had already gone through these stages, which helped me avoid many mistakes. Gradually, I learned to accept the local realities and approach the process with greater understanding and calm.

Another challenge I encountered was a sense of loneliness. Despite an active social life and new friends, there were times when I was overwhelmed with homesickness and longing for loved ones. In those moments, I realized that moving to another country is not just a physical relocation but also an emotional challenge that takes time to fully adapt to. The feeling of isolation intensified during moments of cultural differences or on days when I felt particularly vulnerable.

To cope with these feelings, I started reaching out more to people who were in a similar situation. Meetings with other expats, who shared their stories and experiences, helped me feel less alone. We discussed our problems together, supported each other, and found comfort in knowing that we were not alone in our experiences. I also began actively participating in cultural events and meetings dedicated to sharing experiences, where I could meet people from different countries and learn how they were coping with adaptation.

Additionally, I realized how important it was to take care of my emotional well-being. I started practicing meditation, taking walks in nature, and spending more time on my hobbies. These simple but effective measures helped me better manage internal challenges and maintain emotional balance.

As time passed, I learned to see challenges not as obstacles but as opportunities for growth. Life in Cyprus taught me flexibility, patience, and the ability to adapt to new conditions. I understood that overcoming difficulties is an integral part of any significant life change and that it is precisely these challenges that made me stronger and more confident in myself. Cyprus became not only a place where I found a new home but also where I learned to handle any obstacles on the path to a harmonious and fulfilling life.

Reflecting on Six Years in Cyprus: Life Lessons and Future Aspirations

It has now been six years since I moved to Cyprus. This was a bold step that opened up many new opportunities and changed my life in ways I could not have imagined. Looking back, I realize that this move was one of the most significant events in my life.

Cyprus has become more than just a new place to live; it has become a true home where I found harmony, balance, and inner peace. Over these years, I have embraced the local way of life, learned to enjoy every moment, and appreciate simple pleasures—whether it’s morning walks by the sea, leisurely conversations with friends, or exploring the rich culture of this remarkable island.

Of course, the journey to this harmony was filled with challenges. I had to adapt to a new environment, overcome difficulties, and step out of my comfort zone. But it was these very challenges that helped me grow stronger, more confident, and more self-aware. I learned to value what truly matters and stopped rushing through life.

Today, Cyprus is where I feel truly at home. I have friends here with whom I share both joys and challenges, a job that brings me satisfaction, and many hobbies that fill my life with meaning. I have become a part of this island, its culture, and its community, and now I can’t imagine my life anywhere else.

These six years have shown me that change, no matter how daunting, can lead to something amazing. I am proud that I took this step and am more convinced every day that I made the right choice. Cyprus has given me not only a new home but also a new self—stronger, happier, and more at peace.

Now, I look to the future with optimism and confidence. I know that new discoveries and adventures await me, and I am ready to embrace them with an open heart. Life in Cyprus has been a journey of self-discovery, and I am grateful to this island for everything it has given me.

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