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More ways to access solar power needed

More ways to access solar power needed


Energy costs are currently rising and this is becoming a serious problem. In response, the government is introducing various incentives to encourage investment in solar energy. Solar energy is a cost-effective alternative that can reduce the average home’s energy costs by 10-20%. This approach shows its effectiveness, and with the rising cost of electricity, more and more people are paying attention to such solutions.

However, problems arise, especially in apartments where there is no suitable place to install solar panels. Where installation is possible, other obstacles may arise, such as improper roof angles or trees shading the solar panels.

In case of technical limitations for installing solar panels, alternative methods of generating renewable energy should be considered. In Greece, for example, some companies have already implemented a solar park model, where shareholders can purchase a stake in a solar power plant and use its energy on their homes.

Although Cyprus has not yet adopted such approaches, they are worth considering. Collective solar parks can help conserve land and prevent tree cutting.

Public pressure influences government decisions on this issue, but any ideas should be viewed positively if they can be implemented.

The reduction in energy costs will directly impact tenants, who will find that their overall rent and energy costs will be much less than if the panels were not present. Likewise, businesses will find lower operating costs, making them more competitive.

Source and photo:, Editor

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