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More less than €2 million will cost the Multipurpose Center of Dromolaxias-Meneu

More less than €2 million will cost the Multipurpose Center of Dromolaxias-Meneu


The cost of building a multi-purpose center for the municipality of Dromolaxia-Meneo is estimated at more than two million euros. The tender for the construction work of the Center was held on 31 July.

A written statement from the municipality of Dromolaxia-Meneo states that “those interested have a deadline for submitting proposals until October 6, 2023, and the estimated cost is 1.8 million euros plus VAT. The project will be financed by a European fund.”

This is “the largest infrastructure project implemented by the municipal government, since in addition to the building, the plans provide for the configuration of external spaces, as well as the creation of a parking space. The building will consist of a reception area that will also function as an exhibition space, a multifunctional hall for events, lectures and seminars, as well as workshops for various training courses, a cafeteria, sanitary facilities and other ancillary facilities.”

According to the announcement, “Exposure work is also planned for floors, retaining walls, stairs, ramps and necessary fencing. The contract also includes landscaping, planting trees and installing urban equipment.”

It is noted that “The Multidynamic Center will be erected on a plot of land located next to the Meneo Primary School, opposite the Church of St. Panteleimon. Work is expected to begin around the beginning of the new year. The center is a project that is expected to offer alternative ways of healthy employment for the residents of the municipality of Dromolaxia – Meneo, especially for young people.”

Source and photo:, Editor

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