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Medical tourism in Cyprus

Medical tourism in Cyprus

Medical tourism in Cyprus is rapidly developing, attracting patients from various parts of the world due to the high level of medical services, affordable prices, and unique conditions for relaxation and rehabilitation. With its quality healthcare and excellent climate, Cyprus is becoming a popular choice for those seeking treatment abroad.

Advantages of medical tourism in Cyprus

  1. High-quality medical services:
    Cyprus has about 80 private hospitals and clinics equipped with modern facilities and offering services that meet international standards. Medical professionals in Cyprus often receive training abroad and are highly qualified. The main treatment areas include cosmetic surgery, dentistry, fertility treatment, cardiology, orthopedics, and many others.
  2. Affordable prices:
    The cost of medical procedures in Cyprus is significantly lower compared to the USA and the UK. For example, the cost of IVF in Cyprus ranges from $2,800 to $4,500, whereas in the USA and Canada, prices can reach $10,000 to $15,000.
  3. No language barriers:
    English is widely spoken in Cyprus, and there are also specialists who speak German, French, Russian, and Arabic, which greatly facilitates communication between patients and medical staff.
  4. Convenience and accessibility:
    Short waiting times, the ability to quickly obtain test results, and consultations with various specialists make Cyprus attractive for medical tourists. There is also the possibility to combine treatment with leisure, which contributes to faster recovery.

Popular medical services

  1. IVF and fertility treatment:
    Cyprus is one of the leading destinations for IVF procedures. The high success rate of procedures, affordable prices, and lack of waiting lists attract many couples from different countries.
  2. Cosmetic surgery:
    Cyprus offers a wide range of cosmetic procedures, including plastic surgery, rejuvenation treatments, and dental services. Low prices and high quality make it an attractive option for patients from the UK, Germany, and other countries.
  3. Orthopedics and cardiology:
    Orthopedic and cardiology surgeries in Cyprus are also popular due to the high level of medical technology and the professionalism of doctors. Rehabilitation programs that combine treatment with relaxation contribute to the quick recovery of patients.

Development and investment in medical tourism

Cyprus is also attractive to investors due to the untapped potential in areas such as rehabilitation centers and elderly care. Investing in the development of medical tourism in Cyprus can bring significant benefits to both local and foreign investors.

List of clinics in Cyprus by specialty

  1. General surgery and internal medicine
    • Ygia Polyclinic
      Services: General surgery, internal medicine, neurosurgery, orthopedics, urology.
      Website: Ygia Polyclinic
    • American Medical Center
      Services: General surgery, internal medicine, cardiology.
      Website: American Medical Center
    • Aretaeio Hospital
      Services: General surgery, internal medicine, cardiology.
      Website: Aretaeio Hospital
  2. Cardiology and vascular surgery
  3. Dentistry
  4. IVF and fertility treatment
    • Genesis IVF Clinic
      Services: IVF, egg donation, surrogacy.
      Website: Genesis IVF Clinic
    • EmbryoClinic
      Services: IVF, fertility treatment, egg donation.
      Website: EmbryoClinic
  5. Cosmetic and plastic surgery
  6. Ophthalmology
    • Pantheo Eye Center
      Services: Laser eye correction, cataracts, glaucoma.
      Website: Pantheo Eye Center
    • St. George’s Eye Center
      Services: Eye disease treatment, laser eye correction.
      Website: St. George’s Eye Center
  7. Rehabilitation and physiotherapy
  8. Endocrinology and diabetology
  9. Pediatrics
  10. Oncology

Cyprus offers a wide range of medical services in various fields, ensuring high-quality care and affordable prices. These clinics provide all the necessary conditions for patients seeking quality treatment and comfortable recovery.

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