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Linear park connecting Agia Sophia and the seafront is coming to Limassol

Linear park connecting Agia Sophia and the seafront is coming to Limassol


Limassol Municipality is embarking on another project that will improve and enhance the quality of life of the city’s residents by issuing proposals for a tender for the provision of consulting services for the design and supervision of a linear park project linking Hagia Sophia and the waterfront.

The project will essentially connect Garillis Linear Park along the river of the same name with the Linear Park located along Pallados , Democracy and Alexandria streets.

The project will include accessibility of areas for people with disabilities, widening of sidewalks, reconstruction and asphalting of existing roads, construction of a continuous network of cycle paths, construction of light-controlled pedestrian crossings and traffic mitigation measures, landscaping, installation of an irrigation system, street lighting and urban equipment, slope formation and rainwater runoff management, site construction.

The connection of linear parks, which will be about 1450 meters long, will be carried out from the northern part of Agios Street Oros through the streets of Agios Oros, Agia Sophia and Dionisiou / Santaroza , ending at 3 Makariou Avenue despite its connection to Dionisiou Street . An alternative route will also be explored via Agia Sophia Street (from its intersection with Apostolou Varnavas Street ) to the bridge west of Nikos Pattichis Avenue and across Rupelia Street from its intersection with Agia Sophia Street to the park.

The project can be co-financed by the European Union under the program “THALEIA 2021-2027”, the Republic of Cyprus and the Municipality of Limassol .

Source and photo:, Editor

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