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Larnaca: They want a Medical School in the building of the former refineries and KETAP

Larnaca: They want a Medical School in the building of the former refineries and KETAP


Larnaca Municipality will prepare a proposal to the Ministry of Finance to use the former oil refinery building and KETAP buildings to establish a medical school in Larnaca .

According to a statement from the municipality, “the issue of using the former oil refinery buildings and KETAP buildings is being resolved with the aim of creating a medical school and modernizing the Faculty of Chemistry operating on the territory of the former oil refineries,” which is a significant obstacle to the complete remediation of the soil. This issue was discussed at a meeting of the Minister of Energy, Trade and Industry Giorgos Papanastasiou with the Mayor of Larnaca , the Municipal Secretary and the Municipal Engineer.” The meeting took place on Thursday, August 31, at the Ministry of Energy.

Regarding the relocation of the Faculty of Chemistry, the minister “said that a decision has already been made to close it. He also noted that the procedures are being followed and the matter will be finally resolved in the near future.”

Regarding the use of the former oil refinery building and the KETAP buildings , “the Minister stated that he personally agrees with the proposal of the Larnaca Municipality and believes that such use provides many advantages. Due to its competence, this issue is under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Finance. Following this event, the Municipality of Larnaca is preparing a proposal to this effect to the Ministry of Finance and a meeting with the Director General of the Ministry will be requested shortly.”

The Mayor of Larnaca “expresses his gratitude to the Minister of Energy, Trade and Industry and the services of the Ministry for the immediate response and resolution of issues concerning Larnaca , as well as for the existing spirit of cooperation.”

Source and photo:, Editorial office

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