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Land Registry department modernizing its records

Land Registry department modernizing its records


The Department of Lands and Surveys (DLS) said it will modernize and update its records so that each property is assigned to its owner with its identification number.

Elikkos Elia , the head of the department, said the updates will come in 2023, which will bring more transparency and eliminate problems that come from false identities. He said that many of the sites do not have an exact or complete purpose due to the fact that the department was created in 1858, many years before residents received their Cypriot identity cards.

Elia also explained that her files were computerized in 1999, and before that, owners could enter their data without providing an identification number. Some of the owners didn’t even have ID cards and instead the property was assigned random numbers.

He said the changes are part of the state’s broader digitalization efforts , and that there is no cause for concern. “Introducing a unique identification number protects owners and dispels any doubts about who owns what, and also simplifies the transaction process,” Eliya explained .

The official added that the department posted an information pack on its website, explaining that it describes how owners can list their ID/ARC number on their property.

Property owners can access department records on the website and must ensure that all of their assets are properly linked to their ID.

Eliya explained that if the property does not display the owner ID/ARC number, the application can be submitted on a dedicated site without any fees.

Source and photo:, Editor

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