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Joint session of the Board of Associations – Members of OSEOK

Joint session of the Board of Associations – Members of OSEOK


On Thursday, 15 December 2022, a joint meeting of all Boards of Directors of the members of the Cyprus Construction Contractors Association ( OSEOK ) was held at the HILTON Hotel in Nicosia to discuss issues raised by the provincial associations of construction contractors in which their members work and the construction sector in in general.

In the context of this meeting, the candidates for the President of the Republic of Cyprus Mr. Averof Neophytou, Mr. Andreas Mavroyiannis and Mr. Nikos Christodoulidis were invited , who had the opportunity to communicate with those present and develop their views on the problems and challenges facing the industry.

This was followed by a joint meeting with representatives of professional organizations, the Association of Civil Engineers in the Construction Sector of Cyprus (SPOLMIK), the Association of Architects of Cyprus (SAK), the Association of Scientific Surveyors of Economic Construction of Cyprus (SEEOKK) and the Joint Committee on Construction Contracts of Cyprus (MED.SK), who were invited by OSEOK

OSEOK President Mr. Stelios Gavriel welcomed the guests and emphasized the importance of regular exchange of views between professional organizations of the construction sector and promotion of proposals and joint actions for the benefit of the construction sector.

Representatives of all organizations emphasized the very important relationship between the designer and the contractor to ensure the quality of the final product and the professionalism of the project participants.

Issues that were raised at the previous joint meeting of the members of the Boards of Directors of the OSEOK:

1. The repeal by the Statistical Office of the Construction Occupation Hourly Wage Index, which was the basis for calculating labor cost fluctuations.

2. The impossibility of implementing projects through the same mechanism, fluctuations in materials.

3. Increasing cost of building new homes and challenges facing the industry.

4. Universal implementation of all legislative acts relating to workers in the construction industry to combat unfair competition.

5. Extension of Article 11(B) of the Peri VAT Law – The Federation believes that Article 11B of the relevant Law should be extended to cover all major building materials.

6. Delay in the return of VAT to contractors.

7. Shortage of qualified personnel, both technical and scientific (civil engineers, surveyors, foremen, drivers, technicians), as well as skilled and unskilled workers. The delegates raised the issue of the need for the Competent Authorities to review the possibility of licensing for the employment of third-country nationals in the construction sector, to perform specialized work.

8. Illegal transfer of projects to unregistered contractors.

Source and photo:, Editor

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