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Ioannou announced an immediate plan for the refugee apartment buildings

Ioannou announced an immediate plan for the refugee apartment buildings


The government has drawn up an immediate plan for refugee apartment buildings in need of maintenance, repair or even renovation, Interior Minister Konstantinos Ioannou said on Tuesday.

The government’s proposal, he said, is aimed at immediately resolving the problem and resolving legal issues arising from the fact that the ownership of many houses and apartments with the issuance of title deeds does not belong to the state.

Regarding the issue of seismicity, Mr. Ioannou said that a sponsorship plan will be developed for all 358 existing apartment buildings so that residents are provided with safe housing without dependence on the state. According to him, after the approval of the grant plan, temporary measures will also be taken to resettle residents to start repairing houses. Priority, he said, will be given to renovating the 43 apartment buildings that face the most severe construction challenges, according to a 2020 Urban Planning Department study.

The plan provides for a state subsidy to owners for the maintenance, repair or renovation of apartment buildings, and a lump sum subsidy will be provided for temporary housing. In the case of redevelopment, an affordable housing incentive will be used in the same block to make the project financially viable. Mr. Ioannou stated that the project is expected to reach 100 million euros within ten years.

He noted that the amount expected to be received for each 9-apartment residential building is estimated at about 300,000 euros, and in the event of demolition, the state additionally pays for the services of a designer. However , until the process is completed, the government will also subsidize the rent of those who will live elsewhere.

To the question after the end of the commission’s work, when the plan should be ready, Mr. Ioannou replied that this is a comprehensive plan, according to which processing has begun and some comments have already been made on its improvement, in order to move on to the next council of ministers for approval.

Asked if the plan would also include owners who bought houses from refugees, he said it would be to ensure that the remaining owners “are not trapped.” He also said that local authorities will also be involved in informing the owners of the actions to be taken.

Rental subsidy

HYPES said the rental subsidy plan is being reviewed to increase the amount of the subsidy and the position of the Ministry of Finance is expected. The aim is to complete the review of the plan in the next few months.

In addition, a new software system was introduced to manage the rent subsidy scheme.

At the same time, the process of identifying beneficiaries and issuing title deeds and lease certificates for homes built on public individual housing lots is ongoing.

Source and photo:, Editor

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