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Industrial turnover records annual increase of 22.6% in September

Industrial turnover records annual increase of 22.6% in September


Industrial turnover recorded an annual growth of 22.6% in September.

According to the Statistical Office of Cyprus, in September 2022, the industrial turnover index reached 205.4 units (2015 base = 100), recording an increase of 22.6% compared to September 2021.

For the period January-September 2022, the index recorded an increase of 22.8% compared to the corresponding period of the previous year.

In the manufacturing industry, the industrial turnover index for September 2022 reached 179.6 units, which is 12.4% more than in September 2021.

Growth was also recorded in the sectors of electricity supply (62.6%), mining (39.3%), water supply and recycling of materials (7.8%).

Source and photo:, Editor

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