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Increase in subsidy for hosting a relative in the new Ministry of Health plan

Increase in subsidy for hosting a relative in the new Ministry of Health plan


The relative’s accommodation subsidy is increased to €125 per person for beneficiaries of the new Multi-Family Housing Subsidy Plan in public settlements where displaced persons live.

It is reported that after evaluating the proposal of the authorities involved and the financial capacity of the ministry, a decision was made to increase the amount of the subsidy that will be provided to Plan beneficiaries who choose to live with a relative for the period indicated in the Plan for each case and for each category of beneficiaries. The amount increases from 80 euros per person to 125 euros per person per month.

It is added that, while recognizing the difficulties in finding temporary accommodation for beneficiaries, the purpose of the increase in the subsidy is to encourage beneficiaries to take advantage of the opportunity to accommodate their relatives while ensuring that the subsidy covers their share of the expenses of the hosting household.

Source and photo:, Editor

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