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In these materials the construction cost gallops

In these materials the construction cost gallops


Building materials price increases may have been capped this September at 0.16% compared to August, but relative to September 2021, the relative figure recorded a 16.24% increase, exacerbating already burdened construction costs .

For the main categories of goods, an increase was recorded in metal products (18.73%), minerals (16.95%), mineral products (15.51%), wood, insulating, chemical and plastic products (14.62%) and electromechanical products (12.23%).

Up to 33% increase

In particular, the largest increase of 32.69% was recorded for plastic products, followed by ceramic products with an annual increase of 27.52%.

Rising cost of all materials

According to the Statistical Service, spending on aluminum and other metal products increased by more than 22%, and powders increased by more than 20%.

It is estimated that total minerals (19.15%), electrical materials (18.20%) and iron and steel products (16.40%) also increased during the year.

It is worth noting that growth was recorded in all categories of construction products. The smallest percentage growth was recorded for heating and cooling products (2.55%), chemical products (5.67%) and insulation materials (7.54%).

Source and photo:, Editor

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