At a difficult time for the construction sector worldwide, representatives of the sector from national federations – members of the Pan-European Federation of Manufacturers “European Federation of Construction (FIEC)” are hosting in Cyprus the 113th Congress of the Pan-European FIEC, which the Federation of Cyprus Construction Contractors Associations is hosting in Cyprus for the second once.
The opening ceremony took place on Thursday 05.12.2022 at the Evi Gavrielidis Hall of the Cyprus Theater Organization in the presence of selected guests from the political and state leadership, professional bodies of the sector and representatives of the member federations. FIEC
The opening ceremony was honored with the presence and congratulations of FIEC President Thomas Bauer, OSEOK President Mr Stelios Gavriil, Minister of Communications, Transport and Works Mr Yiannis Karousos and Nicosia Mayor Konstantinos Yorkatsiis.
FIEC, through its 33 national federations in 28 European countries (25 EU and Norway, Switzerland, Ukraine) represents construction companies of all sizes (from individual craftsmen and small and medium-sized enterprises to large international companies, all building trades and civil engineers) and is officially recognized as a social partner representing employers in the European Sectoral Social Dialogue “Construction”. O.S.E.O.K. has been a member of FIEC since 1996.
The work of the Congress will continue at the Amathus Hotel in Limassol on Friday, May 13, 2022.
Its main conference will be on the theme of “Sustainable Building to Address Climate Change” i.e. “Sustainable Building to Address Climate Change”, and during the subsequent General Assembly, FIEC members will have the opportunity to exchange views and proposals to meet the challenges of the industry.
It is expected that within the framework of the said General Assembly, OSEOK Vice-President Mr. Yannis Markidis.
The theme was chosen as a continuation of the conclusions reached by the FIEC General Assembly in Paris in November 2019 in connection with the Construction Horizon Europe 2050 program. , changes and consequences that may occur in the construction industry until 2030.