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How legislative changes have sped up the issuance of building permits in Cyprus

How legislative changes have sped up the issuance of building permits in Cyprus

In June 2024, the number of building permits issued jumped by 150% compared to the same period last year, as authorities rushed to process a backlog of applications before the reform that transferred the authority to issue permits from municipalities and district administrations to new district governments.

According to data published by the Statistical Service of Cyprus ( Cystat ), 1,528 building permits were issued in June 2024, compared to 610 in June 2023. The total value of these permits reached €781.6 million, with the total area of the projects amounting to 594.9 thousand square meters. These permits allow for the construction of 2,772 residential units.

Cystat notes that the significant increase in the number of permits issued in June was due to the authorities’ active efforts to process the backlog of applications, ahead of the transfer of powers to issue permits to new district governments from 1 July 2024.

In addition, 4,782 building permits were issued in the first six months of 2024, an increase of 32.5% compared to the same period in 2023, when 3,608 permits were issued. The total value of these permits increased by 44.4%, amounting to €2.04 billion, and the total area of projects increased by 46.5%. The number of residential units also increased by 44.4%.


Text based on materials from, photo

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