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How can young people in Cyprus get assistance to purchase residential property?

How can young people in Cyprus get assistance to purchase residential property?

From 15 November 2024, applications for the financial support programme for young people and couples up to 41 years of age will be accepted. This initiative aims to facilitate the process of purchasing residential property by providing young Cypriots with additional assistance in their housing needs.


Terms and requirements of the program

Applications are accepted only electronically through the platform . Applicants must submit a completed form along with the required documents specified in the relevant guidelines and the annex to the program.

The main documents required to participate in the program:

  1. Certificate of Property Registration : contains information on the current property rights of the applicant and his /her spouse. The document is issued by the Land Department via email.
  2. Certificate of Cancellation of Sales Documents : confirms that there are no outstanding obligations on the property. This document can also be obtained through the Land Department.
  3. Tax return to confirm income level. If the applicant’s income is below the established tax threshold, the return may not be filed.
  4. Proof of permanent residence : This may include utility bills for the last five years, proof of employment or proof of study and return to Cyprus for students.


Key features of the program

  • Application period : from November 15 to December 31, 2024.
  • Online submission : The application process is fully automated, making it easy to participate.
  • Additional requirements : It is recommended to prepare a complete set of documents in advance to avoid refusal due to missing data.


Participant selection criteria

Financial support is available to young people and couples who meet the following conditions:

  • Applicants must be no older than 41 years of age.
  • The family income level must meet the established criteria.
  • Applicants must be citizens of Cyprus and have resided in the country for the last five years.


Text based on materials from, photo by

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