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How Cyprus fares compared to rest of Europe

How Cyprus fares compared to rest of Europe


At the end of last year, Eurostat published comparative rental rates for apartments and houses in the capitals of various European countries. Further, we are talking about more popular housing areas and high-quality, but not elite, apartments and houses of middle age up to 10 years.


Nicosia ranks third in terms of rent after Ankara and Sofia. Rent trends for 2022/2021 the same as in Brussels, and better than in Budapest, Lisbon, Madrid, Ankara and London. When comparing the areas of apartments, the difference was practically not recorded. Nicosia ranks second after Ankara in terms of the cost of rent per month.

At home

Cyprus does not rank as well for houses as compared to apartments. However, Limassol , with the highest rents, about 20 percent higher than Nicosia, is not included in the list.

In terms of rent levels, Nicosia ranks eleventh in the 2022/2021 trends.

Cyprus ranks second after Ankara in terms of the cost of rent per month. Apart from Ankara, Nicosia has the lowest rents for houses.

Cyprus ranks quite well in terms of rent compared to other cities. Add to that the weather, beaches, hospitality, safety, widely spoken English, average cost of living and good internet coverage, Cyprus offers a good environment for living, investing and more.

Source and photo:, Editor

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