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Finance ministry concerned over unpaid housing loans

Finance ministry concerned over unpaid housing loans


The Ministry of Finance has expressed concern and dissatisfaction with the high amount of debt owed to public organizations that give people loans for housing – loans issued by the state.

“The greatest risk of losing money to the government is associated with loans made to individuals through public law organizations and other financial institutions … and where the monitoring of these loans by the organizations involved has not been adequate,” the Treasury Department says . in its latest Financial Risk Report.

In particular, three organizations are noted in the report – the Housing Finance Corporation (the worst offender), the Central Agency for Fair Burden Sharing and the Cyprus Land Development Corporation.

As of the end of March 2022, 61.67% of loans issued through the Housing Finance Corporation (HFC) were declared non-performing. In addition, HFC terminated contracts and/or sued 112 loans worth €59.7 million .

At the Central Agency for Fair Burden Sharing, at the end of March 2022, non-performing loans accounted for 27.9% (96.5 million euros) of all loans.

The Cyprus Land Development Corporation has also found itself in a quandary with loans it has made since 2001 to low-income families. At the end of March 2022, the outstanding loan balance was €7.64 million and the non-performing loan balance was €34.17 million.

In addition, the organization went to court on 139 out of 521 loans recognized as non-performing. Ownership remains with the organization until the full repayment of the loan.

The Treasury Department report states that non-performing loans, delinquent loans and litigation against major debtors pose risks of losing money, “given that the aforementioned loans were made with state capital and their non-repayment. would be a loss to the state.

Source and photo:, Editor

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